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Workflow Basics

What a Workflow Is

A workflow is a sequence of customizable steps (actions) that is initiated by a trigger. Typically, the actions are executed in sequence.

Workflows can carry data between each action step, enabling your workflow to build upon itself as it runs.

Why a workflow is useful

Workflows are extremely flexible, and can range from simple “if this happens, then do that” automations and “run these steps in this order” workflows, to complex sequences of steps with advanced logic that run on a schedule and integrate different systems together.

When to use a workflow

Workflows are especially helpful when you have multiple actions that are ran together or in sequence. Or if you have one or more actions that must be triggered on a schedule or via webhook.

Workflow Terminology

  • Workflow Definition (sometimes just Workflow)
    The trigger, actions, and other settings that comprise a workflow.

  • Workflow Run (sometimes just Run)
    An invocation of a workflow definition, caused by the workflow’s trigger firing.

  • Trigger
    The way in which a workflow run is started.

  • Action (sometimes Step)
    An individual building block of a workflow, usually part of a sequence of actions or steps.

  • Input (sometimes Output or Data Pipeline)
    The input of an action is the data that the action will utilize. This input is always the output of the previous action or trigger that ran. For additional information, refer to our Data Pipeline Overview.

  • Template (sometimes Expression or Function)
    A way to reference data dynamically from the input of the current action, or produce other dynamic data such as the current date/time. Refer to the Template Engine page for documentation and examples regarding the template syntax.

Workflow States

A workflow can be in one of the following states:


Can be run / triggered?

Can be edited?

Counts towards license?

(tick) Active




(error) Disabled








Components of a Workflow


The trigger is what starts the run of a workflow. The trigger may also optionally pass in initial data to the first action of the workflow, depending on the type of trigger.

Currently, the following triggers are supported - click one to view more details about it:


An action is a step in the workflow sequence. Workflows must have at least one action. Actions create, modify, or manipulate data in the workflow, and can also connect to external systems to perform other tasks, retrieve or send data, and more.

Currently, the following actions are supported - click one to view more details about it:

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