Insert Activity
✳️ Any (JSON
✳️ Any (JSON
) (Passthrough)
Activity Record(
) (Optional)
Inserts an activity record into iMIS.
Required Fields
ID is required.
Activity Type is required.
Transaction Date is required by iMIS, but if not specified, iWorkflow will default to today’s date.
Name | Type | Templatable | Notes |
🅾️ Output Property | Text | Optional. If specified, the newly created activity record is available inside this property. | |
Action Codes | Text (255) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Activity Type | Text (10) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Amount | Decimal | Refer to the documentation. | |
Attach Seqn | Number | Refer to the documentation. | |
Batch Num | Text (15) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Campaign Code | Text (10) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Category | Text (15) | Refer to the documentation. | |
CO Id | Text (10) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Description | Text (255) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Effective Date | DateTime | Refer to the documentation. | |
Grace Period | Number | Refer to the documentation. | |
Party Id | Text (10) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Intent To Edit | Text (80) | Refer to the documentation. | |
MemTribCode | Text (10) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Member Type | Text (5) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Next Install Date | DateTime | Refer to the documentation. | |
Note | Text (Max) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Note2 | Text (Max) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Object | Binary (Max) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Org Code | Text (5) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Originating Trans Num | Number | Refer to the documentation. | |
Other Code | Text (30) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Other Id | Text (10) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Pay Method | Text (50) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Product Code | Text (31) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Quantity | Decimal | Refer to the documentation. | |
Recurring Request | Boolean | Refer to the documentation. | |
Status Code | Text (1) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Solicitor Id | Text (10) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Source Code | Text (40) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Source System | Text (10) | Refer to the documentation. | |
Taxable Value | Decimal | Refer to the documentation. | |
Thru Date | DateTime | Refer to the documentation. | |
Tickler Date | DateTime | Refer to the documentation. | |
Transaction Date | DateTime | Refer to the documentation. | |
UF_1 | Text (255) | Refer to the documentation. | |
UF_2 | Text (255) | Refer to the documentation. | |
UF_3 | Text (255) | Refer to the documentation. | |
UF_4 | Decimal | Refer to the documentation. | |
UF_5 | Decimal | Refer to the documentation. | |
UF_6 | DateTime | Refer to the documentation. | |
UF_7 | DateTime | Refer to the documentation. | |
Units | Decimal | Refer to the documentation. |