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iDMS - iMIS Data Management Suite


The iMIS Data Management Suite (iDMS) is a suite of products designed to be everything you'll need when it comes to managing your data.

iDMS Modules

The iMIS Data Management Suite consists of four modules:

  • DMS-Import-64.png iImport: Easily import or update data from a spreadsheet into iMIS.

  • DMS-Update-64.png iUpdate: Replicate stored procedures and manipulate data into iMIS via an IQA query.

  • DMS-Schedule-64.png iSchedule: Schedule the above jobs to run in the future (including off hours) or on a recurring basis.

  • iTransfer-64.png iTransfer: Create jobs that export and send data (e.g., JSON, CSV, etc.) to third parties (e.g., learning management system, certifying boards, fullfillment houses, etc.).  Receive notifications as needed (i.e., success, failure). Webhook functionality to allow those third parties to write information (e.g., activities) back to iMIS (e.g., program completion, certification, orders).

  • iDMS-Workflow-64.png iWorkflow: The newest product in the iDMS Suite! It is not yet released but feel free to take a look at the (in progress) documentation! iWorkflow is used to create a sequence of actions (e.g. iUpdate task, grabbing data from an IQA query, iTransfer tasks) which can pass data between them. The sequence is initiated by a trigger.

  • iDMS-iHook-64.png iHook: Create webhooks to use in third party applications or via JavaScript, that can instantly insert activities or panel records.

Getting Started with iDMS

Learn the basics of iDMS and review our getting started materials.

- Getting Started with iDMS
- iDMS Admin Tutorial
- iImport Introduction
- iUpdate Introduction
- iSchedule Introduction

Helpful Pages

The most helpful and commonly referenced pages for using iDMS.

- Tutorials
- iMIS Version Compatibility Chart
- Troubleshooting & Known Issues
- Release Notes

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