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Generate Public Link

✳️ Any (JSON)

✳️ Any (JSON) (Passthrough)

(plus) Public URL (string)

The public link action will take the entire input object and store it at a randomized, unguessable public URL for a temporary amount of time. The URL to the data is then returned as a string for subsequent actions.

The data is stored at an unguessable, randomized public URL. You control the duration that the data should be available for - after this time, the data is automatically deleted and purged, and users/systems attempting to access the data will receive a 404 Not Found error.

Sample public link URL:

Expiration options are:

  • 1 day

  • 3 days

  • 1 week

  • 2 weeks

  • 1 month

  • 3 months

If your input dataset looks like this:

  "myData": [
      "Make": "Toyota",
      "Model": "Camry",
      "Year": 2020,
      "Price": 24000
      "Make": "Honda",
      "Model": "Civic",
      "Year": 2019,
      "Price": 22000
      "Make": "Ford",
      "Model": "Mustang",
      "Year": 2021,
      "Price": 27000

The output dataset will look like this:

  "myData": [
      "Make": "Toyota",
      "Model": "Camry",
      "Year": 2020,
      "Price": 24000
      "Make": "Honda",
      "Model": "Civic",
      "Year": 2019,
      "Price": 22000
      "Make": "Ford",
      "Model": "Mustang",
      "Year": 2021,
      "Price": 27000
  "myPublicLink": ""

Browsing to the public link will yield:

  "myData": [
      "Make": "Toyota",
      "Model": "Camry",
      "Year": 2020,
      "Price": 24000
      "Make": "Honda",
      "Model": "Civic",
      "Year": 2019,
      "Price": 22000
      "Make": "Ford",
      "Model": "Mustang",
      "Year": 2021,
      "Price": 27000





🅾️ Output Property



Specify the name of the property to store the CSV data in.

Link Expiration


  • 1 day

  • 3 days

  • 1 week

  • 2 weeks

  • 1 month

  • 3 months


The public link will only be valid from the time this workflow action runs, plus the specified timeframe. After this time period, the data is permanently purged.

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