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Release Notes

iDMS 1.28 - January 2025 (1/29/2025)


We have deployed hotfixes for the following:

Fixed an issue where a user could not import Event Registration for a member who did not have an existing payment object in iMIS (i.e: would recieve an “error: no payment information is available”). (v1.28.1)

New Features

  • Ability to create an Event Registration Option with support for Taxable GST and/or Taxable PST.

  • Ability to create/update products with support for Taxable GST/HST and/or Taxable PST.

  • Cleaned up the job failure notifications - CloudID now visible in subject.

  • Event registrations now support the default program option being included.

  • iMIS Rest API now handling validations for email address.

  • Flowdown feature in iMIS is now overrideable in iDMS (without having to turn it off in iMIS settings).

Bugs Handled

  • Bug fixed where you will be able to delete GL Account Codes that include decimals.

  • In instances of a brand new DB, you may experience an error: “Currency date cannot be found”. This issue has been fixed.

  • When removing ORG/ORG ID from a member, Title field would be blanked out. This issue has been fixed.

  • Bug fixed when importing a new event, you could have end date less than start date.

  • Bug fixed when trying to remove the Chapter Admin role from a member without removing them from the chapter.

iDMS 1.27 - November 2024 (11/20/2024)


We have deployed hotfixes for the following:

Fixed an issue where a user could not update an Order source. (v1.27.1)

New Features

  • Ability to import/update Freight Rates. Added ability to import freight rate files (much like Freight Rate Importer would!)

  • Rest API errors not clear. When an error occurs, make sure the user knows what it is related to and if an ASI error, make it known to contact ASI.

  • Template Changes - When utilizing a template, if the template has match on fields (it was used for Update action) and you want to use it for Insert, iDMS will ignore the match on for those fields.

  • Allow Orders for Update Actions.

  • Warning will appear for an IQA when selected if it does not have the Available via the REST API checkbox checked on the Security tab for the IQA.

Bugs Handled

  • Bug fixed where forward slashes are not allowed in email addresses.

iDMS 1.26 - September 2024 (9/30/2024)


We have deployed hotfixes for the following:

Fixed an issue where a user could not update a template directly after creating it. (v1.26.1)

Fixed an issue in Promotions where you could not INSERT a new item on an existing promotion. (v1.26.2)

Fixed an issue in Relationships when using Insert/Update you may receive an “Updated” message when no update action occurred. (v1.26.2)

New Features

  • Ability to import/update Promotions. Added ability to import promotional coupons to use in the checkout process.

  • Ability to Update an Order Status. Change an order status with iDMS!

  • Allow re-enabling of iSchedule jobs if disabled and iWorkflow role enabled.

  • Ability to now edit/update Events.

  • Ability to set the purchase order when importing Orders.

  • Improve the UI for downloading records from the import history.

Bugs Handled

  • Bug fixed where your row/column data exceeded the capacity to download.

  • Fixed bug where when trying to insert into single instance panel, if you have amount/currency that is zero, the record would not be inserted.

  • Fixed bug where when Insert with Matching for a panel, the “Match On” becomes locked/not editable on the second matched on field.

iDMS 1.25 - June 2024 (6/26/2024)


We have deployed hotfixes for the following:

Fixed an issue where iDMS may be running multiple times when validation is taking too long (v1.25.1)

Fixed an issue when inserting a member into a Chapter that has an ampersand (&) in the name the REST API was sending an error. (v1.25.1)

Fixed an issue where iDMS was not displaying (parent type) Event panel sources (v1.25.2)

Fixed an issue where iDMS where the option for Accounting Financial Entity was not “sticking” in Event Registration (v1.25.3)

Fixed an issue where a new release of EMS caused the selection/browsing of an IQA with parameters to error (v1.25.4)

Fixed an issue on email validation causing an error “Sequence contains more than one matching element” (v1.25.5)

Fixed an issue with Events validation (v1.25.8)

Fixed an issue to support duplicate parameter names (v1.25.9)

New Features

  • Added Transaction Date to Event Registrations source. Added ability to use Transaction Date if importing a registration that did not happen on current date.

  • Added Entity Code (Name.ORG_CODE) to Contact Details source. This will be available starting with .180 release of EMS.

  • Licensing and UI changes to support the NEW Workflow enhancement for iDMS.

  • If spreadsheet column is blank and field mapped is numeric, then default the update/insert to zero.

  • Internal performance improvements to speed the loading of user-defined tables, panel definitions and fields.

Bugs Handled

  • Bug fixed where you could not insert a record into an empty panel with just an iMIS ID.

  • Fixed bug where when “No Match Found” when updating a Business Object - iDMS would not display iMIS ID.

  • Fixed bug where a webhook cannot be called if the scheduled job is already in progress.

  • Fixed bug when inserting a new group member and role, the role would not be found because we were only returning one group type in search.

iDMS 1.24 - May 2024 (5/16/2024)


We have deployed hotfixes for the following:

Fixed an issue where iDMS had a permission issue after trigger endpoints (v1.24.1)

Fixed an issue where Source Code was not set on Pledges (v1.24.1)

Fixed performance issues in validation setup step (v1.24.2)

Showing query filters value in logs (v1.24.2)

Fixed an issue where ID property is missing or has an empty value in business object (v1.24.2)

New Features

  • Added User Defined fields to Event Import. Added ability to use MUF_1, MUF_2, MUF_3….MUF_10.

  • We are providing more information in Stack Traces. To help you more efficiently, be sure to send Stack Trace details when reporting issues to CSI!

  • Allow Insert into CsNameNote using fields other than ID for Match on. Insert with Matching action allows you to insert into CsNameNote and no longer requires the ID.

  • More info when Updating BO/Panels. Added more information (i.e.: iMIS ID) when updating panels and BO.

  • Warning when loading/using a Template. When you use a template, if the spreadsheet OR IQA columns do not match the selected template you will get a warning, but it will allow you to continue.

  • Support for Source Code when inserting Pledges. The pledge Source Code field was not available.

  • New label for Insert Button. Added clarity that Insert an be used for inserting into tables such as Product and Gen Tables.

Bugs Handled

  • Bug fixed where iDMS was ignoring Order Date in file and creating new batch incorrectly (when batch existed with that date).

  • Fixed bug where IQA was not showing immediately in iDMS after creating in Staff site.

  • Fixed bug where performing an Insert / Update and matching on Organization Name, iDMS was not recognizing existence and created a new record.

  • Fixed an issue where Panel names were not in alphabetical order.

iDMS 1.23 - February 2024 (2/20/2024)


We have deployed hotfixes for the following:

Fixed an issue where deleting an Activity by Sequence OR Business Object also deletes Committees (v1.23.1)

Fixed an issue with INSERT/UPDATE where Panels were not getting updated/inserted. (v1.23.2)

Fixed an issue with Orders where the last line item was duplicated. (v1.23.3)

New Features

  • Ability to import Event Setup data! Refer to the iDMS documentation here to learn more!

  • Ability to set the Order Type when importing Orders! With new EMS version 20.3.166 release.

  • New field in source Cart Items to be able to “set number of days”! You will now be able to set the number of days for cart items that are older than set value in order to delete.

  • Changes to Default Option Settings! When changing a global option setting, you have the ability to apply this change to existing jobs, existing templates OR neither.

  • Ability to quickly toggle between source Contact Details and Panel Data (CsContact)! Next to the sort button, there is now a link to take you to the alternate Contact data quickly.

Bugs Handled

  • When the mapping for an UPDATE action is only Match On (no fields to update), prevent the task from being run.

  • When using INSERT with Matching, inserts into Panel fields were not working correctly

iDMS 1.22 - November 2023 (11/30/2023)

New Features 

  • Ability to Generate Renewals! Refer to the iDMS documentation here to learn more!

  • Ability to Update Product Inventory. Refer to the iDMS documentation here to learn more! 

  • Added the ability to DELETE subscriptions.

  • Ability to update/insert County field in iDMS.

  • Modified "loading" message - Will now indicate loaded when the task is running.

Bugs Handled 

  • Error when logged into iDMS for an extended period of time, when a user comes back they often get "" is not a valid version. 

  • When using "Limit the number of results returned" in an IQA, the API endpoint was not respecting that number. This has been fixed where it now looks at that number/parameter.

  • API/iDMS was allowing you to create _ORG-ADMIN relationship between two individuals. This is NOT VALID. We restricted this in iDMS.

  • _ORG-ADMIN in iMIS 2017 fails to correctly identify, resulting in "Not a valid role". This has been fixed.

iDMS 1.21 - September 2023 (9/26/2023)

New Features 

  • Ability to change ID's on Multi-instance Panels! Mistakenly imported information into the wrong person's multi-instance panel? No worries, now you can switch/update the ID to the correct one!

  • Ability to set the Communication Message Type on the Communication Log source. 

  • Added the IsComplimentary flag to the Subscriptions source mapping.

  • Ability to append data to multi select fields. When updating a multi-select can now just add the one new choice. All of the previous information stays the same! See documentation here under "Selecting and Mapping a Field."

  • Validation on Email Addresses. When importing or updating members email addresses, iDMS now validates that the email address is valid (i.e.:

  • Ability to erase dates. Previously, iDMS users did not have the ability to actually erase dates (e.g.: Birth_Date). Now you can simply use the option "If text below is found in File, then field in iMIS will be blanked out"

Bugs Handled 

  • Entering a date while mapping your import saves the date as the previous day.

  • Deleting an activity for a specific member, resulted in deletion of their cart (if existing).

  • Removed Delete option for Panels that combine multiple tables which cause big issues (AutoPayInstructionDetail, AutoPayMemberInstructionDetail, CsContact, CsName_Staff, CsNameFin, CsNameNote, FundraisingProfileDonorData, VolunteerAvailability, VolunteerHistory, VolunteerInformation, VolunteerSkills)

iDMS 1.20 - June 2023 (06/29/2023)

New Features 


We have deployed hotfixes for the following items:

  • Fixed an issue where when skip update if more than 1 record found is checked, message may falsely say multiple rows affected.  v1.20.1

  • Fixed an output message. Fixed an issue in Groups where "system" groups were being excluded.  v1.20.2

  • Fixed an issue receiving an API error on unlocking a user account. v1.20.3

New Features

  • Ability to import Orders! You asked for it, you got it.  iDMS can now import orders.  Pay close attention to the Order Grouping Field.  More info found here.

  • Ability to import Pledges! Completing our Fundraising journey, you now have the ability to import pledges.  More Info found here.

  • Ability to update the attributes on a Committee Product/Group

  • Removing CompanyID from CsContact to prevent corruption of data.

  • Adjusted "Failed" notification to allow for partial fail (i.e.: job only failed partially).

  • Now supporting client timezone on date input.

  • Enhanced messaging when importing User Credentials. When creating user credentials, you must use Insert.  We clarified the error message when you try to update them to point you in the right direction.  Note that Unlocking User Credentials should still be done via the Update method

  • ID Validation Checking.  If sending in an ID of zero (0), iMIS goes a little crazy.  We now check to make sure you are not submitting an ID of “0”

  • Health check feature enabled

  • Sources redefined and grouped. The Sources in IDMS are now grouped into Records Management and Finance to make it even easier to find what you are looking for.

  • Action buttons refreshed (again). Yes, people keep using Insert with Matching when they already have an iMIS ID and should be using Insert.  So in our latest attempt to make this clear as day, we have cleaned up the Action buttons… again….

  • Default the Skip Update if More Than One Record Found to be "On"/"Checked"

Bugs Handled

  • Extended/increased the client timeout to 5 minutes to allow client endpoints to reconnect and process. In the past, if iDMS waited for longer than 100 seconds, it gave an error message and would re-try the action later.  The timeout has been increased and the error message now indicates that iDMS will re-try the insert/update at a later time so you don’t accidentally re-try it.

  • Relationship upsert for 2017 iMIS users.

  • When create a new task it could be possible to duplicate the task resulting in two tasks pointing to same import ID. 

  • When a user defined table is also setup as a Business Object, iDMS tries to import as a BO and errors out.

  • Corrected "Skipped BO" message. Should say "Created"

  • Corrected an issue running an IQA with parameters in EMS Professional

iDMS 1.19 - March 2023 (3/27/2023)


We have deployed hotfixes for the following items:

  • Fixed an issue when updating Relationship Dates, it may not be matched because of the GroupMembershipId  v1.19.3

  • Fixed an error when trying to change IQA in a scheduled job v1.19.4

  • Fixes an error when trying to match on CsContact.ID v1.19.4

  • Fixed an error where Relationship Source not matching on Type. v1.19.4

  • Fixed an issue with Relationship Source, able to use Title and Date Settings. v1.19.5

  • Fixed an issue with Cart error on Delete action. v1.19.5

  • Removed CsContact fields from Source that are not able to be set by the API. (Member Status, Member Status Date, Member Type Change Date, Previous Member Type) v 1.19.5

New Features

  • Dashboard Filtering...Let's Gooooo!!! You asked for it, you got it! The ability to drill down into Completed, Failed, Recurring jobs

  • An unknown error occurs during an import...don't fret. Better instructions on how to handle that step by step.

  • Action Buttons (Insert, Insert w/ Matching, Update, Insert/Update, and Delete) have been enhanced to be clearer for user experience.

  • Clear examples for Event Registration Questions/Indexes

  • UI/UX enhancements to make your experience delightful.

  • We have added dates to the Relationship data source - Begin Date, End Date, and Description

  • Interactions now a data source!! - Add/Edit/Delete Interactions using the Communication Log data source.

  • Ability to Add Group Members 

  • Added Chapter Administrator to Relationship data source - Add/Update/Delete the role in the relationship!

  • Internal Database object improvements

  • Clearer description when a record is skipped on an Update action (when skip update if more than 1 record found is checked)

  • Renaming of IQAs were not seen due to saving the of the IQA's unique identifier instead of actual name - Due to this change, IQAs with slashes in the name are no longer supported

Bugs Handled

  • Fixed an issue when Tasks/Jobs cancel with different parameters.

  • Fixed an issue when Insert/Update action does not work when trying to support two or more data sources

  • Fixed an issue when a failed import does not provide notification and does not trip the disable job feature after # of failed attempts

  • Fixed an issue when trying to view the summary details user gets "Buffer cannot be null"

  • Fixed an issue where viewing scheduled jobs, the Last Run date column is blank.

  • Fixed an issue for iMIS Professional, Payments data source not valid for this version.


We have deployed hotfixes for the following items:

  • Fixed an issue where when skip update if more than 1 record found is checked, message may falsely say multiple rows affected.  v1.20.1

  • Fixed an output message. Fixed an issue in Groups where "system" groups were being excluded.  v1.20.2

  • Fixed an issue receiving an API error on unlocking a user account. v1.20.3

New Features

  • Ability to import Orders! You asked for it, you got it.  iDMS can now import orders.  Pay close attention to the Order Grouping Field.  More info found here.

  • Ability to import Pledges! Completing our Fundraising journey, you now have the ability to import pledges.  More Info found here.

  • Ability to update the attributes on a Committee Product/Group

  • Removing CompanyID from CsContact to prevent corruption of data.

  • Adjusted "Failed" notification to allow for partial fail (i.e.: job only failed partially).

  • Now supporting client timezone on date input.

  • Enhanced messaging when importing User Credentials. When creating user credentials, you must use Insert.  We clarified the error message when you try to update them to point you in the right direction.  Note that Unlocking User Credentials should still be done via the Update method

  • ID Validation Checking.  If sending in an ID of zero (0), iMIS goes a little crazy.  We now check to make sure you are not submitting an ID of “0”

  • Health check feature enabled

  • Sources redefined and grouped. The Sources in IDMS are now grouped into Records Management and Finance to make it even easier to find what you are looking for.

  • Action buttons refreshed (again). Yes, people keep using Insert with Matching when they already have an iMIS ID and should be using Insert.  So in our latest attempt to make this clear as day, we have cleaned up the Action buttons… again….

  • Default the Skip Update if More Than One Record Found to be "On"/"Checked"

Bugs Handled

  • Extended/increased the client timeout to 5 minutes to allow client endpoints to reconnect and process. In the past, if iDMS waited for longer than 100 seconds, it gave an error message and would re-try the action later.  The timeout has been increased and the error message now indicates that iDMS will re-try the insert/update at a later time so you don’t accidentally re-try it.

  • Relationship upsert for 2017 iMIS users.

  • When create a new task it could be possible to duplicate the task resulting in two tasks pointing to same import ID. 

  • When a user defined table is also setup as a Business Object, iDMS tries to import as a BO and errors out.

  • Corrected "Skipped BO" message. Should say "Created"

  • Corrected an issue running an IQA with parameters in EMS Professional

iDMS 1.18 - December 2022 (12/28/2022)


We have deployed hotfixes for the following items:

  • Fixed an issue where matching across entities did not produce expected results. v1.18.8 

  • Amended how the Update action found entities. v1.18.7 

  • Fixed an issue with missing match on fields detection  v1.18.6 

  • Fixed an issue with POSTing feeds redirection. v1.18.5 

New Features

  • Microsoft .NET 6 Framework Implemented

iDMS 1.17 - November 2022 (11/7/2022)

New Features 

  • Trigger your iDMS job from another source! Check the online documentation out here.

  • Flexibility using the BillSubscription Flag when inserting Subscriptions. Setting Bill Amount, be able to add a subscription but not bill the contact, etc. See enhancement details here.  

  • Handling unknown errors from REST API. There are times when iDMS receives an error from the REST API call and it is sometimes vague. We have provided a stepped process for this now.

  • Full Name Tribute. When adding a gift, you can now add the full name tribute rather than having to specify the iMIS ID.

  • Ability to Clear Shopping Cart. You can use the DELETE action to clear member shopping carts.

  • Skip Blank Match On. This is an option (currently defaults to ON). At runtime, if any match on fields have a blank value, the record is skipped.

  • Enhancing Ability to Add Files to File Content fields in Panels. You now are only required to supply the public file url when adding a file to a panel field. 

  • iDMS Templates now sorted in Alpha Order.

Bugs Handled

  • Fixed an issue where if on INSERT of a contact record, if the member type is not specified and the default member type does not have Is Member specified, record was added as a company record. It will now create a person record.

  • Fixed an issue when importing Fundraising records, the Gift Date, if not specified, should be set to the Transaction Date.

  • Fixed an issue when deleting a Company Admin relationship

  • Fixed an issue when creating inactive subscriptions

  • Fixed an issue when updating a panel, do not create a new record if one is missing.

  • Fixed an issue where iDMS was trying to process blank rows in the import

  • Fixed an issue for the license check on iUpdate jobs where jobs will now STOP running when a client agreement becomes null/invalid

  • Fixed an issue when using the LIMIT Rows within an IQA, iDMS was not recognising the value.

  • Fixed an issue where iDMS was defaulting date fields to 12:00:00AM. It will now read the time value on import.

  • Fixed an issue when trying to insert a username/login that is a duplicate. A clear message is now returned to the user.

iDMS 1.16 - September 2022

New Features 

  • Coming Soon: Link your Cloud ID's! Have multiple Cloud ID's that you want to link together? No problem! You can now link these ID's (multiple) within your cloud dashboard - My Account. Then utilise iUpdate to run IQA's from your linked Cloud ID's.

  • Import Event Registrations! Now have the ability to import all of your event registrations in mass into EMS through iImport!

Bugs Handled

  • Corrected an issue where the Continue On Error is not working for scheduled tasks.

  • Added "Incurs Shipping Charges" checkbox for the Products data source.

  • If ID does not exist in Contact, it should not be creating a Panel record.

iDMS 1.15 - August 2022

New Features 

  • Products in Cloud Professional. Commerce products and gift items can now be created and updated in iMIS 100.3!

iDMS 1.14 - July 2022

Our focus this release was to enhance the user experience and to add the ability to work with invoices and dues payments. Learn more about importing payments.

New Features 

  • Pay Open Invoices. Yes, you read that right! You can now pay open invoices by providing relevant invoice information in your import file.

  • Overpay Dues Payments. Do your ever receive dues payments that overpay what is owed? You can now import those payments, and when a member's dues billing is overpaid, a pre-pay AR item is created for the member.

  • Enable/Disable iSchedule Tasks. You can now easily enable or disable iSchedule tasks. 

Updates & Enhancements 

  • Match on this Field language improved for clarity.

  • iSchedule tasks may now be sorted by column headers.

Bugs Handled

  • Corrected an issue where the job failure email notifications were not always executing as requested.

  • Corrected an issue where the Continue with Update button was not disabled when Require Match On was selected but then no Match On field had been defined.

  • Corrected an issue where re-saving a Template did not honor the previously saved Category.

  • Corrected an issue where a scheduled task would not delete when its corresponding IQA query no longer existed.

  • Improved job detail logging when lengthy mappings made it difficult to review and read logged entries.

iDMS 1.13.3 - May 2022


We have deployed hotfixes for the following items:

  • Corrected an issue where the state/province field was errantly cleared out for addresses in the United Kingdom.

  • Corrected an issue where IQA queries needed aliases to process correct. Moving forward, field aliases are no longer necessary. 

  •  Corrected an issue where IQA query filters incorrectly displayed as undefined.

New Features 

Our focus this release was to provide additional import destinations (i.e., products, standalone panels), enhance validation and related error messaging, and add new safeguards so you can use iDMS with confidence. 

  • Match On Only One Record. Build a failsafe into your jobs so that if more than one record with a particular ID would be effected, abort the job.

    • Why is this cool? If you've ever imported activities, it may have crossed your mind that a slip up could cause you to overwrite all activities for the effected records. If your job should only be looking at one activity per ID, with this option enabled, your job will conclude as soon as a second match is found. 

  • Importing Products. Now you can import as many color and size t-shirt variations as you'd like – and with a little styling here and there, your end users won't even realize they're multiple products!

    • EMS  Product definitions can now be imported. 

    • 2017  Products are still able to be imported using the CsProduct business object.  Please be aware there may be other tables/objects (Product_Price , Product_Inventory , etc.) that must be updated as well with 2017.

  • Support for Insert/Update to Standalone Panels. Previously, you could insert or update to a standalone panel, but not both at the same time (Insert/Update).  This is very powerful for multi-instance standalone panels.

    • EMS Single and multi-instance standalone panels can now be a destination for the Insert/Update import type.

Updates & Enhancements 

  • Billing payments now supports importing check number. 

  • Match on nearly any contact field to make the most of any dataset you have.

  • Validation checks on inserts to ensure ID is mapped.

  • Validation checks on contact inserts to ensure either last name or company is mapped.

  • Speed improvements when loading business objects to make mapping even quicker. 

  • Error logging details can now be easily accessed on the Log Summary screen. 

  • Housekeeping with our logs to keep them clean and easy to read. 

  • Miscellaneous updates to the iDMS infrastructure ensuring you have the best possible experience. 

Bugs Handled

  • Clarified error messaging when matching iMIS ID on a user-defined table.

  • Clarified error messaging when importing billing products and matching on Major_Key .

  • Clarified error messaging when an iUpdate query has been deleted or the path has changed.

  • Corrected an issue where billing payments displayed for iMIS 2017 environments.

  • Corrected an issue where deleting scheduled tasks caused an issue. 

  • Corrected an issue where expression builder fields in a query caused an issue. 

  • Corrected an issue where retrying jobs would fail when working with slow queries. 

  • Corrected an issue where importing a product without a category caused an issue. 

  • Corrected an issue where importing to multi-instance panel sources caused an issue. 

  • Corrected an issue where retrieving cloud IDs from our service fabric caused an issue (sounds fancy, huh?)

  • Corrected an issue where subscriptions displayed for iMIS 2017 environments. To import subscriptions in 2017, use the CsSubscriptions business object.


See Previous Release Notes






  • Ability to Insert with Validation (844)

  • Database Performance Improvements (1055)

  • CsContact/Contact Remove Dupes (1042)

  • Adjust Update Functionality for Panel Sources and UD tables (1083)

  • Remove Committees from Dropdown under Delete (1074)

  • Add ability to sort fields listed in Alpha order (1027)

  • Add clue to Contact to check CsContacts (1003)

  • Remove NoteNum from CsNameNote Panel Source (1044)

  • Enhance wording when a module is clicked on and the end user is not licensed. (1024)

  • Template warning should not show if notify is set differently (1035)



  • Ability to delete delete iMIS data

  • Subscriptions not writing correctly



  • Mappings layout changed

  • Make Options editable from Load Template Mappings

  • Add IsMembershipComponent to Subscriptions

  • Add Sequence field to Activity

  • Add BirthDate and Gender to mappable fields for contact



  • Data Retention Policy Adjustment - Purge all spreadsheets after 72 hours.

  • Rename Import Action Buttons / Change Import Functionality

    • From: Create Only / Update Only / Update or Create - To: Insert / Insert with Matching / Update / Insert/Update

  • Improve performance and notification abilities for more effective troubleshooting.



  • Added support for mapping the "OrderDate" (EFFECTIVE_DATE) on gifts

  • (iMIS EMS only) Added support for mapping / writing to a gift's Transaction Date field

  • Added job duration display to the dashboard

  • Added the ability to see the number of create and update operations for each job on the dashboard

  • Added the ability to categorize templates (All existing templates are now in a default category called "General")

  • Improved verbiage and information on the Job Failure notification email

  • Improve internal CSI monitoring of systems to react to processing issues faster

  • Improved handling of attachment URL fetching when HTTP response is not successful



  • Support Importing and Updating Gen Tables

  • Support adding and removing Roles from users

  • Support unlocking locked user accounts

  • Ability to mark contacts for erasure

  • Support Importing and Updating Subscriptions

  • Allow specifying email address to send failure notifications to separately for each import



  • Support Importing and Updating Communication Preferences

  • Ability to Email when an import fails

  • Gift/Donation Importer

  • Excel Sheet name to validation screen

  • Internal performance improvements



  • Disabled the Business Objects dropdown source for iMIS 20.3 and iMIS 100

  • Ability to Import/Update Group Members (Committees and Relationships)

  • Ability to create credentials limited to iMIS 20.3

  • Ability to Import/Export Templates

  • Various UI changes



  • Cancel import during execution

  • Attach files to Panel Sources

  • Ability to Export records that failed

  • iDMS Licensing conversion



ASI API endpoint adjustment



  • Task Schedule - Execute your import on a schedule

  • Skip validation step - Options

  • Automatically continue importing if an error is received.

  • Allow import of usernames and passwords



Update major key search to use Contact/CsContact in lieu of Name



Increase field lengths for 20.3 and higher



Changeset 18676: Resolve CW 91853 / ZIASA2 / Username Fields; Fix Issues importing to 100/200



Changeset 18608: Modification to fix issue with 100/200 import (CW 90636)



Changeset 18594: Comment out Gender as work around for incompatibiity in rest api between iMIS versions (CW 90636)



Changeset 18577: Check for iMIS major version 100 on Find Party and Update Party - change to use ID (CW 90636)



Changeset 18508: Resolve CW 91582 / ZAAA3 / iImport - AAAIMIS



Changeset 18462: Resolve CW 91205 / CAUSEIS / iImport Cloud Validation performing slowly



Changeset 18441: Resolve CW 90931 / CSI / Ability to select Business Object



Changeset 18432: Resolve CW 90412 / ZIASA2 / Mapping Issues



Changeset 18375: release new service fabric build for iimport cloud. Changeset 18373: Fix invalid cast datetime to string (CW 90412)



Changeset 18283: Resolve CW 90005 / CSI / iImport Cloud - Ignore Blank Values



Changeset 18252: Work in progress CW 85943 / CSI / On-Going Support



Changeset 18002: Work in progress CW 88486 / ZNCNZ / iImport Cloud not accepting spreadsheet



Changeset 17997: Resolve CW 88224 / ZNCNZ / Issue when we try to open a previously saved template - URGENT

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