The iMIS Data Management Suite (iDMS) is a suite of products designed to be your one-stop shop for everything you'll need when it comes to managing your data. iDMS consists of 4 separate modules:
iImport Cloud. Use an Excel spreadsheet to import or update data in iMIS.
iUpdate Cloud. Use an iMIS IQA query to update data, insert data, or replicate stored procedures.
iSchedule. Schedule the above jobs to independently run in the future or on a recurring basis.
iTransfer. Create jobs that export and send data (e.g., JSON, CSV, etc.) to third parties (e.g., LMS, certifying boards, fulfillment houses, etc.). Receive notifications as needed (i.e., success or failure). Webhook functionality will allow those third parties to write information (e.g., activities) back to iMIS (e.g., program completion, certification, orders, etc.).
iImport and iUpdate Actions
Action | Meaning |
Insert | Create new contacts, or insert other data and you have the iMIS ID. Insert New Contacts. Add new records to iMIS. Insert Other Data (you have iMIS ID). Insert other data (e.g., activities, panel data, etc.) onto a record. iDMS will automatically match on iMIS ID. Works with a variety of sources such as activities, panel data, gifts, credentials, event registrations, etc.
Insert with Matching | Add other data to existing iMIS records when you do not have the iMIS ID. Insert Data onto Existing Records (you don't have iMIS ID). Imagine you have a spreadsheet with user data such as last name and email, but not iMIS ID. You would use matching rules to determine which record to be updating in lieu of an iMIS ID. Task Options. Review Task Options, as they can assist with ensuring your action completes as expected. Usage with iUpdate. Generally this action would not be needed with iUpdate. As you can control the IQA query, directly add criteria to match to the display of your query.
Update | Update data that already exists in iMIS. Exhaustively Match On Fields. It is critical to match on as many fields as possible. If you are updating activities and only matched on Activity Type = GIFT , you would update every activity with a type of gift. If you are updating panel data and only match on Ordinal , you may update more records than anticipated as Ordinal restarts and is shared across records.
Match on Keys When Possible. Whenever possible, match on as many key fields and unique fields as possible. Consider matching on iMIS ID , ContactKey , SEQN , Ordinal For activities, if you do not have SEQN, consider matching on ID , Activity Type , and Transaction Date to avoid updating activities errantly.
Panel Source Data. If the contact you are updating data for does not yet have a row in a particular panel source, iMIS will handle adding the missing row.
Insert and Update | When you need to both insert and update data at the same time. |
Delete Data | Permanently remove (non-contact) data from iMIS. Permanently Removes Data. There is not a way to recover data from this action. Proceed with extreme caution; consider running delete tasks in development/test environments and with small sample sizes. Contact Information. Contacts cannot be removed from iMIS using iDMS. Exhaustively Match on Fields. It is critical to match on as many fields as possible. If you are deleting activities and only match on ID , you would delete every activity for that record. If you are deleting activities and only matched on Activity Type = GIFT , you would delete all activities with a type of gift. If you are deleting panel data and only match on Ordinal , you may delete more records than anticipated as Ordinal restarts and is shared across records.
Term | Meaning |
Background Account | The Background Account is used by the Cloud Applications to communicate with iMIS directly. The background account is how we are able to access your instance of iMIS. |
Dashboard | The CSI Cloud Dashboard is located at https://cloud.csiinc.com. All cloud applications are managed in the Cloud Dashboard, including the iDMS Data Management Suite. iMIS Full Staff Users login with a combination of their iMIS credential and the Cloud ID CSI supplies. |
Matching | Matching is how iDMS understands how the data you supply (i.e., spreadsheet or IQA query) will interact with data in iMIS. |
Mapping | Mapping is assigning the iMIS source to the source provided by the user. |
Options | Task Options provide configuration options for how your iDMS job will run. Global versus Job Specific Settings. Your global settings will become the default settings for each job you run. Settings can be configured for a specific one-time import. Settings can be configured for a specific iSchedule task. Settings can be configured for specific Task Templates. Settings can be configured globally.
Changing Global Settings. Changing global settings will not adjust any existing setting configurations.