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iHook is a module inside of iDMS that allows the creation of one or more webhook endpoints in conjunction with inserting a panel or activity record in iMIS.

iHook (formerly iTransfer Webhooks, or iTransfer Inbound Transfers) is now accessed entirely from the iWorkflow UI.

Included Triggers and Actions

The following triggers(s) are available within the iHook module:

webhook.png Webhook

The following action(s) are available within the iHook module:

jsonschema.png JSON Schema Validation

activity.png Insert Activity

panel.png Insert Panel Record

Calling a Webhook

For information about what types of HTTP requests are accepted by the Webhook trigger, please refer to the webhook.png Webhook trigger documentation.

Webhook Responses

Status Code



Webhook queued successfully for processing.


Alternate of 200 OK for compatibility reasons. Does not support polling at this time.


The body was not in JSON format, or the workflow URL is invalid.


The webhook URL or token is invalid.


A server error occurred. Contact CSI for assistance.

Response Body

The webhook will include a JSON response body (of type application/json) by default, which includes the unique workflow run ID as well as the queue time.

This body can be omitted by enabling the Omit Response Body option on the webhook trigger.


CORS headers are enabled on all webhook endpoints by default. Webhooks can be invoked from JavaScript if desired.

iTransfer Webhook Analog

To recreate the iTransfer webhook behavior, set up the following workflow:

Trigger: webhook.png Webhook

Leave default values set.

Action 1: jsonschema.png JSON Schema Validate

Paste the JSON schema into the schema property of this action.

Action 2: activity.png Insert Activity

Map or hard-code any necessary activity values.

Note that the template syntax has changed - instead of $$propertyName$$, the new syntax is {{ propertyName }}. For more information, please see the Template Engine page.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.