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Generate Renewals Tutorial



EMS Compatible


iMIS 2017 Compatible


Usage Notes

Length of Video







Insert, Insert with Matching, Update, Insert & Update


This page will detail how to generate renewals via iDMS.

Generate Renewals works differently in iDMS than other sources. Only one record should be passed to iDMS.  The functionality is very similar to Generating Renewals in iMIS which is documented below..  Please reach out to support if you have any questions.

Generate Renewals in iMIS (note, iDMS works the same way as this screen)

View how to generate renewals in iMIS

Refer to the online documentation:

From RiSE portal, navigate to: Membership > Renewals > Generate renewals

This screenshot shows generating a renewal for a single contact

Mapping Fields

Required Fields

  • Billing Run Name - A unique name preferably to help identity your renewal from other renewals generated.

  • Billing Cycle - A billing cycle name (identifier) which members would qualify for.

  • Is Renewals and/or Is Rebill - A billing type (Boolean) flag for each. Typical selection would be "Is Renewals" and its value would be "True" then.

Bill Date is actually required in iMIS - when omitted, bill date will be set to today's date.

Optional Fields

  • Bill Date - A date indicating when the billing run was executed. If not set, it will default to today's date.

  • Effective Date - A date determining which members will be billed: Anyone whose paid through date is before this date will be billed. If not set, it will default to today's date.

  • Begin/End Rebill Date - When rebilling, bills dated between these dates will be rebilled. Used for rebilling only.

  • AutoPay Option - Leave blank by default, otherwise should be one of these values exactly: "BillAllContacts", "BillOnlyAutoPayEnrollments", or "BillOnlyNonAutoPayContacts".

  • Only Bill Individual iMIS ID - Member iMIS ID for single contact to generate renewal for. If the spreadsheet or IQA query has more than 10 records, a validation error will occur.

  • Only Bill Contacts From Query Path - A valid Intelligent Query Architecture path. Query must have a column called 'iMIS Id' or an alias of 'code_BillingID' in order to be valid.  Note, you can NOT alias the field as iMIS Id - it must be called that or you must alias the field as code_BillingID.

  • Only Bill Contacts In Chapter Code - A valid chapter code, for example: CHAPT/WEST. Only those whose primary chapter is the one selected will be billed.

  • Do Not Prorate - A Boolean flag. Leave blank by default or set to "True" otherwise.

  • Do Not Apply Credits - A Boolean flag. Leave blank by default or set to "True" otherwise.

Only Bill Options

These three billing options are mutually exclusive:

  1. Only Bill Individual iMIS ID

  2. Only Bill Contacts From Query Path

  3. Only Bill Contacts In Chapter Code

Generating a mass billing

In the event an "Only Bill" option is not selected, the iImport file or iUpdate query must only contain one (row) line of data.

To Bill Contacts from Query Path, copying the query path is required. The query path will be pasted into this field. Do not use this query as the source for iUpdate. Remember, only one record should be passed, and it can contain the query path as a source field.

View how to copy the query path

1. Navigate to the query: RiSE > Intelligent Query Architect > the query path

2. If you have the iMIS Experience Plus Extension, click the copy icon

to copy the query path to the clipboard.

The iMIS Experience Plus Extension is a free extension for both Chrome and Edge.

If you do not have the iMIS Experience Plus Extension, then open the query, and copy the path by highlighting and then pressing Ctrl+C

Case Examples

Billing for a single Contact ID

View example
Data File 
Submitting this import example will generate renewal for a single contact.

Dues Billing with IQA

View example
  Data File




Submitting this import example will generate renewal for all ID's within the IQA.


Full Dues Run

View example
Data File
Submitting this import example will run renewals for all in Billing Cycle specified

Possible Errors

This error occurs when attempting to pass more than one Chapter Code or Contact from an IQA Query. When passing a Chapter Code or IQA Query as the Billing Type, only one record should be passed to iDMS.

This error occurs when more than 10 records are attempted to be billed. iMIS is not designed to bill more than 10 individual records one at a time - see error message above alternative ways to bill in mass.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.