Pledges Guide
Complexity | Intermediate |
EMS Compatible | |
iMIS 2017 Compatible | |
Actions | Insert, Insert with Matching |

This article shares details on how to work with pledges and pledge installments.
Required Fields
These fields are required regardless of if it is an installment pledge or a one time pledge.
Donor ID - iMIS ID of the donor.
Amount - Amount pledged.
Gift Item Id - The ID of the gift item (also known as the product code or the fundraising distribution code).
Required Fields for Installment Pledges
If the pledge is an installment pledge, the following three fields (first installment, frequency, and number of installments) must be filled out. If the pledge is a one-time pledge, all three fields must be blank.
First Installment - If the pledge is an installment pledge, this field is when the first installment is. Will default to transaction date if left blank.
Frequency (Monthly, Quarterly, Annually) - If the pledge is an installment pledge, this field is how often the gift will process.
# Of Installments - If the pledge is an installment pledge, this is the number of installments for the pledge.
Required Fields for One Time Pledges
The following fields must be blank for one-time pledges.
First Installment - Must be left blank.
Frequency (Monthly, Quarterly, Annually) - Must be left blank.
# Of Installments - Must be left blank.
Optional Fields
Transaction Date - Date of the batch.
Gift Date - Date the gift was received.
List As - How the pledge will be listed publicly.
Source Code - Which source code to be associated with the pledge (also known as appeal code).
Soft Credit ID - iMIS ID of who is receiving soft credit.
Soft Credit Percentage - Percentage of the gift that will be a soft credit.
Soft Credit Amount - Amount of the gift that will be a soft credit.
Note on Soft Credits: Soft credit will default to 100% if not entered. It is recommended to only enter either percentage or amount on soft credits, not both.
Moves Manager ID - iMIS ID of the Moves Manager (also known as the Solicitor ID).
Tribute Type - Must match a tribute type defined in iMIS.
Tribute Name - Name of who the tribute is given to.
Tribute Name ID - iMIS ID of who is the tribute is given to.
Note on Tributes: Do not enter both a tribute name and a tribute name ID.
Tribute Message - Accompanying message with the tribute.
Notify Contact ID - iMIS ID of who is to be notify.
Do Not Receipt - Whether receipt should be omitted. If yes, there will be no receipt (can use Y/N, Yes/No, or 1/0).
Specific Day of Period - The day of each month the installment will be given (e.g., the 12th).