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Orders Tutorial



EMS Compatible


iMIS 2017 Compatible


Usage Notes

Length of Video







Insert, Insert with Matching



This article shares details on how to work with orders.


Required Fields

  • Product Code - The code corresponding to the ordered product.

  • Ship to ID - The iMIS ID of the recipient (note: their address will be used).

  • Shipping Method - The method in which the product is being shipped (e.g., UPS, FedEx, USPS, etc.)

Optional Fields

  • Bill to ID - Use if the Bill to ID differs from the Ship to ID.

  • Check Number - Use if the Payment Method ID is a check.

  • Discount Code - Enter if the order used a discount code.

  • Order Date - When the product was ordered.

  • Order Type Code - Matches to an Order Type (Settings > Commerce > Order Types). If not defined, the default order type will be selected (Settings > Commerce > General).

  • Order Grouping - Use if multiple products are in one order going to the same person. If used, Order Date, Shipping Address Purpose, Shipping Method, Discount Code, Payment Amount, Payment Method ID, and Check should all match. If this field is left blank, each product will be a separate order.

  • Payment Amount - The amount of the payment (total cost). If the order is grouped, the Payment Amount should be the total cost of the order

  • Payment Method ID - The payment method used (e.g., check, cash, etc.). The only payment methods (called “Cash Accounts” in 2017) with a type of CASH are supported. If the order is going to “Pay Later”, then leave this field blank and enter the PO number under Check Number.

  • Quantity Ordered - The quantity of the product ordered. If left blank, it will default to 1.

  • Shipping Address Purpose - Use if a different address than default is being shipped to (e.g., Home, Alternate, etc.)

  • Unit Price - Use only if the unit price for the specific order differs from the default product unit price.

Mapping Examples

See Spreadsheet Examples with and Without Order Grouping

Example with Order Grouping

Note: The first two rows have the same Order Grouping. Therefore, they will be shipped together. A good practice is to use the Ship to ID as the Order Grouping, as products shipping to the same person will be in the same order.

Example without Order Grouping

Note: Due to the lack of an Order Grouping, all orders will separate orders in iMIS.

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