Subscriptions Guide
Complexity | Intermediate |
EMS Compatible | |
iMIS 2017 Compatible | |
Actions | Insert, Insert with Matching, Update, Insert & Update, Delete |

Cash Subscriptions vs. Accrual Subscriptions
iMIS supports deleting Cash Subscriptions and you may do so using the Delete Action in iDMS.
iMIS does not support deleting Accrual Subscriptions.
Subscriptions in iMIS EMS
For iMIS EMS Enterprise, creating Cash Dues/Subscriptions is supported.
Creating Accrual Dues/Subscriptions is supported via iDMS Renewals.
Required Fields
iMIS ID - The ID of who is subscribing
Billing Product (Code) - Also known as item ID, this is the Code for the specific product/subscription
Optional Fields
Certain fields can only be updated if the subscription has not been billed yet or is billed on a cash basis. Those fields are Begin Date, Bill Begin, Bill Through, and Paid Thru.
Begin Date - The date the subscription begins.
Paid Through - The date the subscription is paid through. Can only be updated if the subscription has not yet been billed or is billed on a cash basis.
Bill To ID - The ID the subscription is billed to.
Bill Date - The day of the month the subscription will be billed. Must be in the form of a date (e.g. 6/15/24 for billing on the 15th). This should be the soonest occurrence of this day. Can only be updated if the subscription has not yet been billed or is billed on a cash basis.
Bill Begin - The date billing will begin. Can only be updated if the subscription has not yet been billed or is billed on a cash basis.
Bill Through - The date billing will go until. Can only be updated if the subscription has not yet been billed or is billed on a cash basis.
Billed Amount - The amount being billed in each installment.
Status - Used to set a subscription to Active or Inactive. To make the subscription inactive, map this field to 0/FALSE/N/NO/F/INACTIVE/I. To activate an inactive subscription, set this to 1/TRUE/Y/YES/T/ACTIVE/A.
Cancellation Date - The date the subscription will cancel.
Adjustment Reason - If the subscription is adjusted, a reason may be provided here.
Source Code - Denotes the source of where the subscription record came from. Can set this field to any text (max 40 characters) that will make it easier for reporting. Some clients set this field to "iDMS" so that staff know this subscription was imported using iDMS.
Is Complimentary - Determines if the subscription is complimentary.
Is Member Component - See table below.
Note: The IsMembershipComponent field should be set to a 1 if the item exists on a membership table for the respected member type.
Note: The field IsCompany is not able to be inserted or updated, as it is reliant on member type. To update the IsCompany field in iMIS, change the member type to a non-company member type.
Bill Subscription Flag | Is Membership Component Flag | Use/Action |
True | True | For use when the dues item should be under Membership in iMIS. Typically when the product code is on the Customer Type Table. Because Bill Subscription is True, leave Bill Amount blank and iMIS will calculate the correct amount. |
True | False | For use when the item is a Subscription and not a Membership Item. Because Bill Subscription is True, leave Bill Amount blank and iMIS will calculate the correct amount. |
False | True | For use when the dues item should be under Membership in iMIS. Because Bill Subscription is False, you must set the Bill Amount. Will not bill the contact. |
False | False | For use when the item is a Subscription and not a Membership Item. Because Bill Subscription is False, you must set the Bill Amount. Will not bill the contact. |
Not Mapped | Not Mapped | If Bill Subscription Is not mapped, and Bill Amount is not provided, then iDMS will automatically set Bill Subscription and use the default Bill Amount from iMIS. The subscription will not show under Membership since the flag was not set for Is Membership.
A sample file for importing subscriptions might look like this –
A sample mapping for importing subscriptions –
Subscriptions in iMIS 2017
For iMIS 2017 updates, we recommend creating a business object off of the Subscriptions table that has at least the following fields (plus any other fields you want to edit):

NOTE: You must edit the Business Object and make PRODUCT_CODE a Key and both PRODUCT_CODE and STATUS required. See the above checkboxes for both Key and Required.
Then in iDMS, you would select Business Objects > type iDMSSubscriptions (or whatever you named your business object) and then tab to select the fields. Note, you may have to Clear the iDMS Cache and case does matter when entering the business object name.
Chapter Importing
Chapters are saved as subscriptions. The Billing Product (Code) is the Chapter Code prefixed with CHAPT/

Therefore, to import a record into the EAST chapter, the Billing Product (Code) would be CHAPT/EAST and you would use the Insert Action or Insert with Matching Action.
Note: At this time, iMIS does not return a verbose error if the Item Id does not exist. You will receive a "HTTP Status Code is not OK or Created" error if the Item ID is not in IMIS.