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System Overview


The System Overview page allows you to view an overview of the current CSiDonate installation, including installation paths, server information, versions, important URLs, and more.


The following system controls are available.

Primary Controls

Restart App – This option will restart (recycle) only the CSiDonate app.

Restart ASI Scheduler – This option will restart (recycle) the ASI Scheduler, including the CSiDonate API / webservices endpoint.

Enter Missed Recurring Gift – This option will take you to a page where you can enter a missed recurring payment / transaction. Please refer to Entering a Missed Recurring Gift for instructions.

Secondary Controls

Secondary controls should only be used if necessary, or as instructed by CSI. They are not intended for everyday use.

Clear File Cache – This will completely clear all files from the file cache. If you suspect a caching issue is occurring, and you have already cleared your browser's cache / tried incognito mode, you can press this button to fully clear the cache.

Migrate File Refrences – (error) Only to be performed by CSI during an upgrade. If you accidentally press this button, a message should appear saying "Looks like you don't have any file references to migrate!". This message is harmless and should not affect your system.

System Information

This page also contains a great deal of diagnostic and system information.

Server and Hosting Information

This section contains general information about your server, the website that is currently running, the web server's information, SMTP information, etc.

Application Information

This section contains the current software versions for CSiDonate, for both the web application and API / webservices.

These numbers should always match, except in rare circumstances.

Webservice and iMIS Information

This section lists information about the CSiDonate webservices, and connected instance of iMIS.

Database Information

This section lists the currently connected SQL database name, and CSiDonate schema version.

Application URLs

This section lists some key application URLs that you can use, or enter into other third party systems.

BluePay Rebill POST URL – This URL must be entered into your BluePay account settings into the Rebill POST URL field. Failure to complete this will result in recurring gifts not writing to iMIS.

Twilio SMS Reply – These URLs can be entered into Twilio, in either the individual Phone Number SMS Reply or Message Service SMS Reply fields. These values should be set to HTTP POST. For more information, refer to Text to Give.

Giving Dashboard URL – This URL is where your Giving Dashboard is located, if you have set up your crowdfunding dashboard.

Rapid Entry URL – This is the main URL where Rapid Entry can be accessed from. This URL, along with the Rapid Entry Access Code, is what you would give to volunteers or staff wishing to use Rapid Entry. For more information, refer to Rapid Entry.

Virtual Event Board URL – This URL is where you can access your Virtual Event Board, if you have it set up.

TLS Information

This section prints out the current TLS settings, as read by the web application, for both the Client (CSiDonate website) and Server (ASI Scheduler / iMIS).

These values should match. If they do not, you may receive TLS-related network errors (reviewable in the Technical Log) while attempting to donate.

Web Config Report

This section detects any inconsistencies with certain settings in the current web.config file, and offers one-click buttons to fix the issues.

Examples of detected issues:

  • Incorrect security on admin area

  • Application settings, such as upload size limits

  • Old SMTP settings (SMTP information should be entered into the System Settings page instead)

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.