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Task Actions


The 5 different options determine how the spreadsheet (iImport Cloud) or IQA query (iUpdate Cloud) will modify your iMIS database.


When to Use



  • Insert non-contact data when you have the iMIS ID (e.g., activities, panel data, gifts, credentials, event registrations, etc.).

  • Create new contacts and any accompanying data. IDs are automatically assigned and additional data mapped is automatically added to the new ID.

Insert with Matching


  • Insert non-contact data when you do not have the iMIS ID (e.g., activities, panel data, gifts, credentials, event registrations, etc.).

Usage Example. Consider a spreadsheet of activities that need to be entered with only last names and email addresses, but no iMIS ID. Use this action to match on existing data to avoid having to identify an iMIS ID for each row in your spreadsheet.

Usage Note. Avoid usage with iUpdate or when you have the iMIS ID. As you can control the IQA query in iUpdate, add the iMIS ID to your output and use the Insert action.



  • Update existing iMIS data, such as Activities. It is critical you match on as many fields as possible. Most commonly, these are iMIS ID, ContactKey, SEQN, and Ordinal.

Usage Notes

  • Updating Activities. If you don't have a SEQN available for matching, use as many field to map as possible, such as: iMIS ID, Activity Type, and Transaction Date at minimum. Matching on too few fields can cause you to overwrite more activities than intended.

  • Options. The option Skip Update if More Than 1 Record Found is essential for update jobs to ensure you are not updating more records than anticipated.

Insert & Update


  • Insert and Update data at the same time (e.g., activities, contact details, group members, orders). It is critical to have matching correct for this action.

Usage Notes

  • Options: the following two options are relevant for an Insert & Update job:

    • Do not update records; insert only when no match is found

    • Highly Recommended to Enable: Skip Update if More Than 1 Record Found



  • Delete data from iMIS sources (e.g., panel data, activities, relationships, user credentials, shopping carts, general lookup table values, etc.).

Usage Notes

  • Matching Note. It is critical to match on as many fields as possible. For instance, only matching on ID for an activity will erase every activity for that ID

  • Deleting Contacts. The Delete action will not process on contact information. To accomplish this task, use the update feature to change a contact's status to be marked for erasure.

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