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Task Options


The output of your job can vary based on the different options you have selected. Settings happen at three different levels:

  • Global Settings. Using the top navigation, select Settings to see what global settings are. These will be the default settings when starting a new task.

  • Template Settings. When you make a Task Template, the settings at the time the template was made will be stored. To update template settings, load the template, make the changes, and resave the template.

  • Task Settings. These are initially set by global settings and can be changed one-off for a specific task.

When changing the default global option settings you can apply the specific change to All Jobs, All Templates, or neither.

Default Settings screenshot



Actions Applicable


Do not update records; insert only when no match is found

  • Insert and Update 

Records will be inserted only when a match is not found. Updates will not happen.

Skip Update If More Than 1 Record Found 

  • Insert with Matching

  • Update

  • Insert and Update

(tick) Recommend enabling this checkbox to avoid errantly overwriting data.

If multiple records are found (e.g., multiple activities), none of them will be updated, and the job will move to the next row in the table/IQA query.

Skip Validation

  • All Actions

(error) Do not recommend enabling this option as skipping validations may result in invalid, unexpected, or corrupting data in your database.

Allows you to not validate your pending job before being imported. While this might make the import operate a little more quickly, it may be at the expense of bad data being imported.

These validations are to ensure that any codes used (e.g., Activity Type, Product Codes, Member Types, etc.) do exist in your iMIS environment before any importing/updating is done.

For example, if you are importing an activity and set the Activity Type to MEMBERSHIP, the validations will ensure that Activity Type does exist in iMIS before proceeding.

Skip Blank Match On

  • Insert with Matching

  • Update

  • Insert and Update

  • Delete

(tick) Recommend enabling this checkbox to avoid errantly matching on blank values.

This checkbox should be "ON" by default. When importing, if any MATCH ON fields have a blank value, then iDMS will skip the import row.

There are rare occasions where a user may want to match on a blank value. If that is the case, disable this setting.

Automatically Continue on Error

  • All Actions

This feature will continue processing the spreadsheet or IQA if an error is encountered on a specific record. It will move onto the next record. At the end of the job, the failed records will be listed and available to download.

Ignore Blank Values

  • Insert

  • Insert with Matching

  • Update

  • Insert and Update

Fields chosen for import from your spreadsheet will not overwrite data in iMIS if those fields are blank (i.e. if a column in spreadsheet or IQA query is blank, the existing data in iMIS will not be overridden by the blank value and will instead not be updated). 

If your spreadsheet column is mapped to a numeric data type and your spreadsheet value is blank, you will most likely get a validation error similar to: "Value was not recognized as a valid Number". In this instance you will want to Ignore blank values in the import file. This will insert zeroes into the iMIS column values.

If the text below is found in file, then field in iMIS will be blanked out

  • Update

  • Insert and Update

This feature allows you to blank out a value in iMIS when you designate specific text in your spreadsheet. When the import finds that value specified in the text box it will insert a blank value into the field in iMIS it was mapped to. We recommend to use the process outlined below if you need to blank out a field in iMIS instead of updating the field to a space or to have no value. iDMS will blank out the field properly based upon the field type.

Example of Blanking Out Data

When entering your mapping, determine what will be used to blank out data. For this example, we’ll be using ERASE. This will blank out the Paid Through for every ID in your spreadsheet.

If ERASE is found in the uploaded spreadsheet, the IQA query results, or manually entered, iDMS will blank out the field properly based upon the field type.

After running the task, you’ll see a blank (null) value for the paid thru field in iMIS.

Manually Enter “ERASE” in iDMS


“ERASE” in a Spreadsheet


Refreshing the Cache

Navigate to the iDMS Dashboard and click Settings. Click the green refresh symbol. Clearing the cache is safe and can be done without negative side effects.

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