The Database tab is primarily for use by CSI during patches and upgrades.
Please do not execute any commands via the buttons on this page unless specifically instructed to do so by CSI. Unintended side effects or iMIS issues may occur otherwise.
Database Integrity Check
The Database Integrity Check will execute a query to determine if there are any inconsistent settings between CSiDonate and iMIS.
If there are any database issues, you will see a warning box at the top of the screen that contains information about the detected error.
Otherwise, you should see a success message similar to this:

This indicates that there were no detected issues with the database schema and that the database is up to date.
Issues Detected by the Integrity Check
The following is a sample of issues that the integrity check report will look for:
Distributions listed in CSiDonate (IDONATE_DISTRIBUTIONS) that do not exist in iMIS
Invalid distributions, appeal codes, or campaign codes on a recurring record (Demo_Recurring_Gift)
Duplicate Rebill IDs on two or more recurring records (Demo_Recurring_Gift)
A recurring record with an invalid Financial Account ID (Demo_Recurring_Gift)
Templates that use old values, for example, old amount arrays, demographic/custom questions, or distributions, that existed when the template was created, but no longer exist
(Fund Tree) Invalid fund tree setup (distribution does not exist, or favorite group does not exist)