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Gen Tables

CSiDonate stores much of its data in the Gen_Tables table in the database. Below are the lookup tables that CSiDonate uses and their purposes.

Table NamePurpose

Stores pre-fillable values for the page header.

The Code value is an arbitrary short identifier.

The Description value is the text to be inserted into the page header.


Stores pre-fillable values for the page description. (Note: HTML is OK here, however RiSE does not allow HTML input via the Gen Table editor, so the desktop must be used.)

The Code value is an arbitrary short identifier.

The Description value is the text/HTML to insert.


Stores the possible amount values used when setting up templates. Format is comma-separated, e.g. 0,10,20,*34.56,70 Decimals are allowed.

A "0" indicates the user can enter their own amount.

A "*" before a number indicates it is the default. (Do not add more than one "*".)


Stores distributions that are displayed in CSiDonate. These are configured in the setup interface. The distributions in this list are a subset of all the distributions in iMIS. Add only the distributions you need access to in CSiDonate.

The Code value should be an existing distribution code in iMIS.

The Description value is a friendly name for the distribution. This can be different from the iMIS description.


Stores the demographic questions used by CSiDonate. Individual questions can be enabled per-template.

The Code value is a unique, short value that identifies the question. For example, if the question is "Will you be donating again?", the question code might be DONATE_AGAIN.

The Description value is the actual question / prompt text.

The Expansion value is a comma-separated list of possible values that determines the selections a donor can make, as well as the control that is rendered for the donor:

  • Leave blank for a freeform text field
  • Enter one possible value to render the question as a check box
  • Enter two possible values to render the question as two radio buttons
  • Enter three or more possible values to render the question as a drop-down control.

    Place a comma at the start of the expansion text to add an initial, default blank option, for example: ,Yes,Maybe,No

    Otherwise, the first text option will be the default.


Allows you to define a fund selector for the donation form that is a collapsible tree.

The Code value is an arbitrary value that is used to sort the fund tree alphabetically. Consider using "AA", "AB, "AC", or some other sortable code value.

The Description value is the distribution code for this item. This must be a valid iMIS distribution code, AND this value must exist in the IDONATE_DISTRIBUTIONS table as well.

The Expansion value is the category/group name that this fund should fall under. Like-named expansion values are grouped together under a collapsible category.

The description displayed to the donor is the iMIS system description for the distribution code. At this time, it is not possible to customize the distribution/fund description when using the fund tree feature.


Stores the pre-fillable values for the gift message instructions.

The Code value is an arbitrary short identifier.

The Description value is the text to be inserted into the instruction field.

IDONATE_EXT_CAMPAIGN_DIST_MAPPINGOptional. Only used with the External Gift API. If present, will map an incoming campaign code to an iMIS distribution code.

The Code value is the incoming Campaign code.

The Description value is the iMIS distribution code.

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