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iEmail Cloud Troubleshooting

The following sections contain information on troubleshooting issues and known limitations of iEmail Cloud.

An unhandled error occurred while trying to retrieve IQA parameters.


When this error is received, confirm in the Staff Site in the Intelligent Query Architect (IQA) that the “Available via the REST API” box has been checked on the security tab, and the Access mode security is “Authenticated Users Full Control” or higher.


Trouble Logging In?

"Unable to validate background account"

To correct this, please open a browser and go to Once you’ve logged into your portal, on the left sidebar under ‘General’ is ‘My Account.’ Click that and in the center under ‘Account Info,’ click the ‘Update My Account Info’ button. Once that’s open, on the left side is ‘Background Account.’ Add the new iMIS Manager Password and then click ‘Save Changes’ below.

"Your account is missing the iMIS RemoteService role"

To correct this, please contact your iMIS system administrator and request the role of RemoteService be added to your security profile.

The RemoteService role is required if your iMIS instance is 2017. iMIS EMS does not require the RemoteService.

Save As Interaction or Save As Activity Button Not Visible

This is often due to the fact that the Save as Interaction or Save as Activity buttons are not set with the proper permissions. Out of the box, iEmail Cloud is set so that SysAdmins can see those buttons but not all the users. You will need to update the Options in iEmail Cloud in order to have the button visible.

Please check out our documentation on Updating The Roles for Save As Interaction or Save As Activity on how to resolve this issue!

Saving Activities or Interactions

When saving an Activity or an Interaction, the Updated By or Owner fields show the CSI Cloud Background Credentials instead of the person that actually saved the Activity or Interaction.

This is a limitation due to the iMIS REST API. In order to write one of these transactions, you need the elevated rights to call the iMIS REST API. A normal user would not have these elevated rights.

Comments regarding this behavior can be directed to:

Error when Downloading Attachments on Interactions

There is a known issue with downloading iMIS interactions from the staff site.

If your interaction has an attachment, clicking on the download button may display an error message like this:

You can still download the attachments by scrolling to the bottom of the interaction window, and clicking on each attachment to download it.

Error received of Incorrect Username or Password when credentials are known to be correct


When logging into iEmail Cloud, you receive an error message that your username or password is incorrect when you know they are correct for the iMIS Staff site.


  1. Login to the iMIS Staff site with a user that has SysAdmin privileges

  2. Go to Security and then Users

  3. Search for the user and verify that the 'Remote Service' role has been added for the user

  4. If not, add it and then click Save

5. Then go to Settings on the left sidebar and select About iMIS
6. Click Purge System Cache

7. You should now be able to successfully log into iEmail Cloud.

Outlook Desktop - Issue with Contacts Replacing Recipients


When selecting recipients from the results of a search in iEmail Cloud, the email address is being replaced by an entry from an Outlook contacts list.

Example:  I have a Contacts list in Outlook which contains an entry for Peter Baker with an email address

My search results in iEmail Cloud contains a member with the exact same name, Peter Baker, but a different email address,

When I select Peter Baker from the search results, Outlook finds the matching contact and replaces the recipient with the contact:



Step 1 - In your Outlook contacts, create a new folder that is empty (for example, "Empty Folder"):

Step 2 - Open your Address Book:

Step 3 - Under the Tools menu click Options…:

Step 4 - The Addressing window will appear looking something like this:

Step 5 - Click on the "Custom" radio button and remove all existing entries then click the Add… button to add the "Empty Folder" you created in Step 1:

Click OK. This will cause Outlook to only look in the Empty Folder for matching names where it will not find anything to replace.

Unable to View Add-ins

Here is a link to Microsoft’s troubleshooting guide for finding your missing add-ins:

User not seeing add-ins

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.