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Promotional Tutorial



EMS Compatible


iMIS 2017 Compatible


Usage Notes

Length of Video







Insert, Update



This article shares details on how to work with orders.


Required Fields

  • Promotion Code - The code corresponding to the Promotion.

  • Promotion Name - Used for the name of the Promotion

Optional Fields

  • Promotion Available Begin Date - Start date of promotion.

  • Promotion Available End Date - End date of promotion

  • Promotion Kind - Possible promotion types.

  • Discount Percent Offered- How much percent discount offered.

  • Apply promotion automatically - Option to apply promotion to all orders automatically.

  • Max Cart uses per customer - maximum number of times that a given customer may apply this promotion in the cart.

  • Max Cart uses overall - maximum number of times that this promotion may be applied in the cart across all customers

  • Min Cart Total - minimum line item total that must be included in the current cart (excluding discounts and additional charges) in order to apply the promotion.

  • Qualified Customers - Specific customers allowed to use promo code

  • Quantity Ordered - The quantity of the product ordered. If left blank, it will default to 1.

  • Specific Item Discount (Item Code) - ItemCode specifically discounted

  • Specific Item Discount (Discount Type) - for ItemCode, discount type (Percent or Dollars)

  • Specific Item Discount (Discount Amt) - for ItemCode, discount amount

  • Specific Category Discount (Category Code) - Category Code

  • Specific Category Discount (Discount type) - for Category Code, discount type (Percent or Dollars)

  • Specific Category Discount (Discount Amt) - for Category Code, discount amount

  • Which Purchases Qualify - Same Cart, Same Registrant, Same Customer, Same Org

  • Qty Required to Qualifiy - Qty from above required to qualify

  • Required purchase (Item Code) - Specific item code required for promo code

  • Discounted Items (Quantity Discounted) - Max Qty allowed to be discounted

  • Discounted Items (Item Code) - Specific item code for qty discounted

  • Discounted Items (Discount Type) - Specific item code for qty discounted -(percent or dollar)

  • Discounted Items (Discount Amt) - Specific item code for qty discounted - Amount

Mapping Notes


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