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Panel Data Tutorial



EMS Compatible


iMIS 2017 Compatible


Usage Notes

Length of Video







Insert, Insert w/ Matching, Update, Insert/Update, Delete


This page will detail how to use iDMS to modify panel data.

For how to delete panel data, see the Delete Action Tutorial.


Required Fields for Insert

  • iMIS ID: The ID of the person whose panel data will be updated

Optional Fields for Insert

All other fields will be optional. These fields are dictated by the specific panel source.

Required Fields for Update

  • iMIS ID: The ID of the person whose panel data will be updated

  • Ordinal: The number associated with the specific panel for an ID in a multi-instance panel. If Ordinal is not an available field, then the panel is single instance and only ID is required.

Optional Fields for Update

All other fields will be optional. These fields are dictated by the specific panel source.

Example Mapping


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