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iWorkflow Release Notes


  • Fixed an issue where the code editor dialog was being cut off on certain screen sizes

  • Fixed an issue where the iUpdate task selector dropdown would fail to load

    • The properties pane will also now show a warning if there are no tasks

  • Fixed a display issue where panel fields were not rendering correctly in the properties pane

  • Fixed the schedule wizard not registering the job with the internal schedule engine

  • Renamed “Get Public Link” to publink.png Generate Public Link for clarity – its functionality remains unchanged


  • Added new action: sms.png Send SMS Message

  • Added a code editor popup window for templatable fields

    • Select output variables from previous steps

    • Browse contextual variables

    • Add code snippets with one click

    • Test the output of the expression using a previous workflow run as context

  • Added quick actions to the workflow cards on the homepage to quickly run, view, or edit a workflow

  • Added icons to workflow actions to visualize if they have a non-default Error Preference

  • Added the ability to delete more than one delta hash record by allowing a list of keys to be entered

  • When adding a new action, the action is now selected by default

  • Adjusted the “Save” buttons at the top of the workflow editor for greater visibility

  • Added a “Run” button to the workflow editor, so you can run the workflow after saving it

  • Made the (✏️) “Unsaved” and ((warning)) “Invalid” icons in the workflow editor more visually prominent

  • Fixed an issue where the run logs were loading slowly

  • Fixed a visual issue with the Gate action not displaying the line underneath it correctly

  • Fixed a visual issue with the workflow card placeholders on the homepage, when the page is loading


  • 🎉 Welcome to iWorkflow!

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