iDMS Dashboard
Accessing the iDMS Dashboard
To access the iDMS dashboard, you can click “Dashboard” on the side-menu. Once you are navigating the iDMS module, you may also click “iDMS Dashboard” on the top of the screen.
iDMS Dashboard at a Glance
Sublinks within iImport and iUpdate:
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Navigation within iDMS
Shortcuts to iImport Cloud, iUpdate Cloud, and iSchedule,
Dashboard will open a page to display imports runs which occurred recently.
New will open up a blank iImport or iUpdate job ready to be configured.
Tasks will redirect you to your iSchedule page to display all scheduled tasks.
A link to task Templates where job templates can be managed or imported.
A link to default job Settings where the global settings for job options can be set. (Note: updating the default settings will only affect future jobs and will not update existing job templates.) This is also where the iDMS cache may be cleared.
A link to About which will display the Cloud ID, user and product information.
Dashboard Cards
These Dashboard Cards include overview information for:
Completed Imports - Jobs that have run to a successful completion.
Partial Imports - Jobs that had both successful completions and issues with some records while running.
Failed Imports - Jobs that had an issue while running.
Pending Import - Jobs that will run soon.
Active Imports - Jobs that a user started to setup but either abandoned or will be finishing at a later point. These jobs have not been submitted.
Recurring Jobs - Jobs that have been built to run on a schedule.
Job History
There are two tabs for viewing Job History, Recurring Jobs and Import History. The Job History will only contain the jobs from the past 30 days.
Recurring Jobs
Allow you to see the last job history of recurring jobs for quick review. Select View More ->
to filter jobs.
Import History
Click on the Import History tab to see the history of all jobs. Click View More ->
to see more details and to filters on jobs. Additionally, there is an Updated from date filter parameter that can be used to narrow the results of the job histories.