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Contact Details Guide



EMS Compatible


iMIS 2017 Compatible



Insert, Insert with Matching, Update, Insert & Update



This article shares details on how to work with contact data. iDMS will follow the same rules as iMIS for creating new contacts.


Required Fields

  • iMIS ID - The ID of the contact. For updating individual records, the iMIS ID field is highly recommended when updating data in iDMS. For the Insert feature, iMIS will automatically select the next available iMIS ID for the contact if no iMIS ID was mapped or recorded.

Optional Fields

  • First Name - The first name of the contact. If you are creating a new contact record, first name is required.

  • Last Name - The last name of the contact. If you are creating a new contact record, last name is required.

  • Organization ID - The ID of the contact’s organization.

  • Organization Name - If you are creating a new record for an organization, an organization name is required.

  • Status - The status for the new record.

  • Member Type/Customer Type - The member type for the new record. It is highly recommended to set your member/customer types when processing an import, otherwise system defaults will assign a member/customer type.

  • Billing Category - The billing category for the new record.

Mapping Notes

Creating New Contacts with a Preset iMIS ID

If you are importing contacts and want to set their iMIS ID, you can include that in your import. If the iMIS ID is available, it will be assigned as expected. If you do not assign an iMIS ID, it will automatically select the next iMIS ID.

Creating New Records

New records have specific fields that are required based on whether they are a contact or organization record. We always recommend setting the customer/member type at the time of creating a new record.

  • Contact Records - Requires first and last name.

  • Organization Records - Requires an organization name.

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