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ASI Event Log Troubleshooting Steps have received an error using iDMS where the the iMIS REST API has returned a generic error message and code. 

This page will help you get more information to troubleshoot.

For EMS Customers Hosted by ASI

Step 1

You need to identify the Date/Time the issue/error occurred.  Your time zone is very important.

Step 2

Create a Support Request with ASI at

Ask ASI Technical Support to review the Event Logs for your Organization. Provide the Date, Time, and Time Zone and explain that you received a message indicating InternalServerError and you would like to know the exact error that was logged. See example below.

Dear ASI Support,

We received an InternalServerError at 11:33AM Eastern Time Zone.

Could you please let me know the exact error message from the logs on the server?

Additionally, can you please log this error message as a bug as other error messages that do not have enough details are handled.

Step 3

Once you have those logs, you might be able to decipher what may have occurred. IF not, you can submit a support ticket ( )  to CSI for further investigation.  Please include screen shots of your mappings and some sample data if possible.

For 2017 Customers or On-Prem EMS Customers

Step 1

You need to identify the Date/Time the issue/error occurred.  

Step 2

On your IMIS Application Server, go to the Event Log and look for errors that occurred at the same time.  These errors will give important clues as to the issue at hand (e.g. "State Code BB does not exist")

Step 3

If you are unable to decipher the errors or still need help, paste the errors into an email and submit a support ticket ( ) to CSI for further investigation.  Please include screen shots of your mappings and some sample data if possible.

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If this problem persists, please contact our support.