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Activities Guide



EMS Compatible


iMIS 2017 Compatible



Insert with Matching



This article shares details on how to work with activity data.


Required Fields

  • iMIS ID - The ID of the person who did the activity

  • Activity Type - The type of Activity

Optional Fields

Recommended Optional Fields:

  • Transaction Date - If this field is left blank, the current date will be entered.

  • Product Code (also known as Subtype)

The other fields are dependent on the activity type and their descriptions will be listed.

Finding Optional Fields
  1. Navigate to Settings > Contacts > Activity Types

  1. Select your Activity Type. The fields available will have text in them. In the example below, Subtype (Product Code)NoteSourceUF_1, 2, 3, and Description are optional fields.

Mapping Notes

Matching is CRITICAL!
If you are UpdatingInsert/Updating, or Deleting, you NEVER want to match on just the ID. That will update each and every Activity record for the given ID. The best field to match on is the Sequence Number (SEQN) field and if that is not available, match on as many fields as possible - that might include ID, Transaction Date, Activity Type, and more if possible. For deleting it is always recommended to match on SEQN.

Default iMIS Activity Types
Avoid importing built-in IMIS activity types that are system generated.  These include Order, Sales, Gift, Pledge, Certification, Dues, Expo, Refund, and others.

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