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Roster Manager - Case Use Examples

Remove Members from a Roster

  • Purpose 

    • To allow an authorized user remove members from their active organization roster. 

  • IQA Settings

    • Sources

      • NetContactData

    • Filters

      • Company ID = URL parameter "@url:ID"

      • Status = Active

      • Member Type = M

    • Display fields

      • First Name, Last Name, Status, Member Type

      • ID and Company ID are included but will not be displayed 

    • Security on IQA

      • Make sure to check the box to make this IQA available to the REST API


  • iPart Settings

    • Selection

      • Title = Select Members

      • Description = Blank

      • IQA = $/CSI/RosterManagement/Remove_from_Roster

      • Results per page = 20

    • Information

      • Title = Information

      • Description = Blank

      • Question 1 = Inactivation Date

      • Question 2 = Reason

    • Confirmation

      • Title = Confirmation

      • Description = Thank you. We will take care of the rest.

    • Workflow

      • Action_Code = MEM_REMOVE

      • Selected ID = using the field in my IQA that has the field label of "code_id"

      • Actions

        • Update Panel Data = CsContact

          • Update Member Type to NM

          • Update Status to I

        • Update Panel Data = CSI_RosterManager_ActionDetails

          • Set Date field to value from Inactivation Date question

          • Set Other field to value from Reason question

          • Set Action field to Remove

    • Content Page Settings

      • The roster manager iPart has been added to a tab within the Organization Profile which allows me to use the iMIS ID of the organization in the URL


    • User Steps

      • Log in and navigate to content page

      • Select members to remove from roster

      • Select continue

      • Enter additional information 

      • Select Submit

      • Reviews Confirmation

    • Post Completion Actions

      • Member Type and Status updated

      • Information added to CSI_RosterManager_ActionDetails panel (using IQA to show details on member record)


Identify Members that Attended a Local Event

  • Purpose 

    • To allow an authorized user identify members that attended a local event (did not use iMIS for event registration) 

  • IQA Settings

    • Sources

      • NetContactData

    • Filters

      • Company ID = URL parameter "@url:ID"

      • Status = Active

      • Member Type = M

    • Display fields

      • First Name, Last Name, Status, Member Type

      • ID and Company ID are included but will not be displayed 

    • Security on IQA

      • Make sure to check the box to make this IQA available to the REST API


  • iPart Settings

    • Selection

      • Title = Select Members

      • Description = Blank

      • IQA = $/CSI/RosterManagement/Event_Attendance_Roster

      • Results per page = 20

    • Information

      • Title = Information

      • Description = Blank

      • Question 1 = Event Date

      • Question 2 = Event Name

    • Confirmation

      • Title = Confirmation

      • Description = Thank you for reporting local event attendance!

    • Workflow

      • Action_Code = MEM_EVENT_ATTEND

      • Selected ID = using the field in my IQA that has the field label of "code_id"

      • Actions

        • Update Panel Data = CSI_RosterManager_ActionDetails (you may decide that you do not need this data here since it will be in activity)

          • Set ID to code_id from the IQA

          • Set Action field to Event Attendance

          • Set Date1 field to value from Event Date question

          • Set Text1 field to value from Event Name question

        • Create Activity Data

          • ID set to code_id from the IQA

          • Activity Type set to LOCALEVENT (this activity type should exist in iMIS)

          • Effective Date set to value from Event Date question

          • Description set to value from Event Name question

    • Content Page Settings

      • The roster manager iPart has been added to a tab within the Organization Profile which allows me to use the iMIS ID of the organization in the URL


    • User Steps

      • Log in and navigate to content page

      • Select members that attended event

      • Select continue

      • Enter additional information 

      • Select Submit

      • Reviews Confirmation

    • Post Completion Actions

      • Information added to CSI_RosterManager_ActionDetails panel (using IQA to show details on member record)

      • Activity inserted (using IQA to show details on member record)


More examples:

  • Change a Members' Member Type

  • Adding cell phone numbers

  • Updating communication preferences

  • Identify members as potential volunteers

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