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Release Notes


  • Fixed an issue where cash-based dues were not loading if multiple open invoices existed

    • Introduces a new URL format and requires a business object update, to update to the new URL format please refer to Section 5a of the Setup Guide.


  • Fixed an issue where the payment error was not displaying correctly to the user

  • Fixed an issue where, after paying an invoice, a 404 error would occur


  • Fixed an issue causing payment errors to not display on-screen, resulting in an empty “500 Error” page

  • Fixed an issue where, when multiple invoices matching a given reference number were returned, QuickPay would not load

  • Fixed an issue where, if the payment form failed to load, the error message was not displaying

  • Fixed a styling issue on displays with smaller vertical resolutions (less than 900px tall)


  • Fixed an issue where dates were not displaying in the format that matches the customer’s region.


  • Added currency region setting to specify the currency used in iMIS.


  • Modified Batch ID to only be sent if iMIS specifically requests it.

  • Added payment error messages to the Log view.


  • Added Batch ID to payment.

  • Fixed some mobile styling issues.


  • Initial launch.

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