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Limitations, Issues, and Workarounds

Workflow Engine Limitations

The current hard limitations apply to all customers.



Workflow Definitions


Actions per Workflow


Workflow Run retention period

90 days

Total data points


Data pipeline size

200 MB

What is a data point?

The workflow engine calculates the total number of data points as the number of rows times the number of columns in a particular dataset. This allows for both narrow and wide datasets to be handled without imposing limits specifically on the number of columns or rows.

For example, with iWorkflow, you could work with 500,000 rows and 4 columns, or 10,000 rows with 200 columns (both are equivalent to 2,000,000 data points).

What is the data pipeline size?

The data pipeline is the JSON object that is passed from one action to another and (typically) contains the output of all previous actions. The maximum “file size” of this object is 200 MB (209,715,200 bytes).

For more information about the data pipeline, please see the Data Pipeline Overview.

Known Issues and Workarounds

None / TBD.

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