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iWorkflow Dashboard

To browse all of your iDMS iWorkflow workflows, use the side navigation – under iDMS, select iWorkflow.

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If you are already in another iDMS product, you can also use the top menu - select iWorkflow > Dashboard.

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Workflow List

  1. Click to create a new workflow from one of the following options:

    1. From Wizard – Opens the workflow wizard which will guide you through common automation scenarios

    2. Blank Workflow – Opens a blank workflow editor so that you can start from scratch.

    3. Import from File – Import a previously exported workflow by uploading the file from your computer.

  2. List of workflow definitions. Only a subset of workflows may be displayed if you have any filters enabled (see below). Each entry will display:

    1. The workflow name

    2. The created by/on and last modified by/on information at a glance

    3. A visual summary of the trigger and action(s) inside the workflow

  3. The vertical bars on the right side of the workflow entry are visual indicators for the most recent (up to) 10 runs of that workflow.

    1. Green bars indicate success.

    2. Red bars indicate failure.

    3. Gray bars indicate cancelled workflows.

    4. Blue outlined bars indicate currently running workflows.

    5. The bars fade and become smaller over time - runs that are more than 30, 60, and 90 days old will each fade more than the previous group.

  4. Use these controls to search and filter your workflow definitions. See below for details.

Searching and Filtering

The following search and filter tools are available on this page.

All filters take effect immediately - there is no need to press an “Apply” or “Search” button.

Logic note: Filter categories are “AND”ed together - for example, if you select “Uses Trigger - Scheduled” and “Uses Action - Gate”, then only workflows that have a schedule trigger AND a gate action will be displayed.

Workflow Name

Enter any partial workflow name to filter the list by that name.


Enter a date range to find workflows created between two dates, or use the Within dropdown to select a relative date range (e.g. “within 1 day”, “within 3 months”, etc).

Last Triggered

Enter a date range to find workflows that were most recently triggered between two dates, or use the Within dropdown to select a relative date range (e.g. “within 1 day”, “within 3 months”, etc).

Uses Trigger

Select one or more trigger types to filter the list by.

Logic note: If multiple triggers are selected, they are “OR”ed together. For example, selecting “Scheduled” and “Webhook” will show workflows with either action.

Uses Action

Select one or more action types to filter the list by.

Logic note: If multiple actions are selected, they are “OR”ed together. For example, selecting “Gate” and “iDMS iUpdate” will show workflows with either action.


Select “Active” to view only active workflows.

Select “Archive” to view a condensed list of workflows that have been archived and are no longer active.

Note: It is not currently possible to view both active and archived workflows at the same time.

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