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Billing Products Guide



EMS Compatible


iMIS 2017 Compatible



Insert, Update, Insert & Update



This article shares details on how to work with billing products data.

Prorating Bug

If you have any prorate rules set up on a billing product, when you run an update job, it will reset the prorate rule back to the default value of “Do not prorate.”

This is a bug in iMIS and has been reported as a defect.


Required Fields

  • Name - The name of the product.

  • Product Code - The ID of the product.

  • Type - The type of product.

Optional Fields

  • Deferred Income Account - The GL account associated with deferred income.

  • Description - The explanation / details of billing a product.

  • Discount Price - The discounted price for the product if set; often the member price.

  • Financial Entity - The entity associated with the product.

  • Income Account - The GL account associated with income.

  • Pay Priority - The priority order in which payment is applied.

  • Standard Price - The normal price for the product.

  • Term Span in Months - The number of months used to pay for the product.

Mapping Notes

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