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Attaching File to Panel Source in iImport



EMS Compatible


iMIS 2017 Compatible



Insert, Insert with Matching


This article shares details on how to work with files and how to upload them into iMIS.

File Upload Restrictions

File uploads are only compatible with iImport. Fields for file attachments cannot be added to IQA queries and thus cannot be used in iUpdate.

Files Must Be Publicly Accessible

iDMS must be able to access the file in order to attach the file to the panel source. The file to attach must be a publicly accessible file URL, meaning it may not be protected by a VPN or login.


When creating a new attachment for a panel source, iDMS Import File will identify the Panel Source Field as a field you can send attachments to. You will have 3 fields in the mapping that can fill in, only File URL is required

Required Fields

  • File URL - This is the URL path to access the document.

  • Contact Key - The iMIS ID for the contact to associate the upload with. Does not apply if uploading files to a standalone panel.

Optional Fields

  • File Content Type - The file content type using the standardized MIME definitions.

    • Examples: text/plain, application/pdf, application/msword

  • File Type - The file type or extension for the file being uploaded.

    • Allowed file formats are: PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, JPG, GIF, TXT

    • Max file size is: 10MB

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