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Address Guide



EMS Compatible


iMIS 2017 Compatible


Usage Notes

Length of Video







Insert, Insert with Matching, Update, Insert & Update


This article shares details about working with address data.


Required Fields

  • iMIS ID - The ID of the contact whose address is being inserted or updated. Use the Contact Details Source to match on the iMIS ID.

  • Address Purpose - The purpose of the address. The field is a dropdown.

  • Country - The country that the address is in. Must be a valid country in iMIS.

Optional Fields

  • Address line 1 - The first address line. Commonly street address, but can be used for any purpose.

  • Address line 2 - The second address line. Commonly used for apartment/unit number, but can be used for any purpose.

  • Address line 3 - The third address line. Commonly used when the address is international or a business.

  • City - The city of the address.

  • State - The state or province of the address.

  • Postal code - The postal or zip code of the address.

  • Phone - The phone number associated with the address.

  • Fax - The fax number associated with the address.

  • Email - The email associated with the address.

  • Preferred Mailing Address - A Boolean checkbox (yes/no) field indicating this address is preferred for mailing.

  • Preferred Shipping Address - A Boolean checkbox (yes/no) field indicating this address is preferred for shipping.

  • Preferred Billing Address - A Boolean checkbox (yes/no) field indicating this address is preferred for billing.

  • Notes - Notes to go with the address.

  • Bad Address - From the BAD_ADDRESS general lookup table. Denotes an address that should not be used. Additional details can be found in iMIS documentation. Your iMIS Solution Provider may have recommendations on the best way to set this up.

Example Spreadsheet


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