Onboarding: Implementation Calls
Implementation Call 1: Welcome!
Welcome to the RFM Module!
Overview: Resources (documentation site; enhancement google sheet)
Overview: Suggestions During Implementation (email setup, decision maker, enhancements desired, internal IQA training)
Discussion: Report Management & Adobe Acrobat
Discussion: Pre-Work Items 1 & 2
Discussion: Decisions to Make
Decisions to Make:
Location of Module on iMIS Sitemap
Permissions for Module
Follow Up Items:
Client: Work Item 1
Client: Work Item 2
Client: Begin Wish List
CSI: Upload Initial Set of RFM Reports
CSI: Provide Client List of School Names to Map
CSI: Deploy SQL Elements in Client Environment
Implementation Call 2: Tour of Module
Tour of Module
Discussion: Review of Data
Discussion: Report Versioning
Configure: Cloud Dashboard Settings
Discussion: Revisit Any Pending Decisions
Discussion: Decisions to Make
Decisions to Make:
Who will be receiving the error notifications from the module?
Who will be conducting the data review?
Who will be correcting the PDFs?
Who will be sending them in to be scanned once corrected?
Follow Up Items:
Client: Get in the Module and Play Around!
Client: Correct Reports as Needed
CSI: Provide Emails of Errored Reports
CSI: Upload Mapped Schools & IDs to Cloud Dashboard
CSI: Submit all RFM Reports to Live Environment
CSI: Submit Reports to Live Client Database
Implementation Call 3: Questions and Clarifications
Discussion: Questions & Answers
Discussion: Revisit Any Pending Decisions
Discussion: Decisions to Make
Decisions to Make:
Who will be setting up the automation for the Outlook inbox?
Who will create the internal documentation for your correction process?
Follow Up Items:
Client: Correcting any Outstanding Incorrect Reports
Final Call: Project Closeout
Finalize any Outstanding Decisions
Project Closeout
Future Planning