Radius Search iPart
What is the Radius Search iPart?
The Radius Search iPart is a RiSE iPart that uses geolocation technology to identify iMIS records where the address is within a specified range.
The configuration allows a client to add or subtract filters.
The configuration also allows for a customized data result set.
iMIS Version: Compatible with iMIS starting with version 20.2.26
Note: Currently does not support iMIS Cloud instances.
iMapInstalled and running (or an equivalent program that will create a latitude and longitude for a given address)
This documentation assumes:
You have downloaded the iPart and have a zipped file.
You have a Business Object xml file.
You have an IQA xml file.
Install Radius Search Business Object
Navigate to the menu item RiSE > Business Object Designer

Click on Import and hit Select to navigate to the CSI_Radius_Search (Business Object).xml file.
Click on Upload. Now click on Import as shown below. It should say Successfully Imported.

Install Radius Search Query
Navigate to the menu item RiSE > Intelligent Query Architect

Navigate to the folder you want the IQA to reside. Remember this path, you will need this information in the iPart Configuration later on.
Click on Import and hit Select to navigate to the Radius-Search (IQA)..xml file.
Click on Upload. Now click on Import as shown below. It should say Successfully Imported.

Once you have successfully imported the query, open the query by either double-clicking or click the query and select Edit. You will notice there is a CSI_Radius_Search business object in the Sources sub-tab.
In the Filters sub-tab, you will notice four predefined filters. These are Latitude and Longitude filters that must be left in the query for it to work as intended. These filters are essential for the Radius Search iPart – THEY SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED OR DELETED.

Adding Filters
If you want to add additional Filters to the query, simply click add the filter as you would normally. Select the field and comparison. The prompt can be either Required or Optional.
Note: Once these new filters have been added to the query, you will still need to add them to the iPart, within the configuration section on the Content Page. Make sure you list the parameters in the same order as they appear in the IQA. The parameters are filled in positionally and not by name. So, if the order is incorrect, the iPart will return unexpected results.

Modifying Display/Results
The Display sub-tab has two fields required for the iPart to work correctly, Latitude and Longitude. These display fields SHOULD NOT BE ALTERED. These fields will not be displayed in the results.
Other than that, you can add or remove fields in the Display as you would in a normal query.

Installing the Radius Search iPart
Browse to your RiSE staff site and login as manager (or a user with the SysAdmin role)

Open The Document System Page
Navigate to the menu item RiSE > Document System.

Select The ContentItems Folder
Browse to and select the folder $ > ContentItems

Open The New Document Window
Click on the menu item New > Zip file to open the Document System window

Open The File Dialog Window
Click on the Select button to open the file dialog window

Select A File To Upload
Browse to and select the iPart ZIP file to upload

Upload A File
Click on the Upload button to upload the iPart ZIP file

Confirm iPart file is uploaded
Confirm the ContentItems folder now contains the uploaded iPart ZIP file

Open The Deploy Content Items Page
Navigate to the menu item RiSE > Maintenance > Deploy Content Items
Note: If the Deploy Content Items link is not in yoru sitemap, you may have to go to RiSE > Site Builder > Manage Sitemaps and enable the menu item. You will find this in the default staff site listed under RiSE > Maintenance > Deploy Content Items.
Deploy Content Items
Click on the Deploy Content Items button to start deploying all content items

Confirm iPart Is Deployed
Review the output messages and validate the iPart has been successfully unzipped. Please note where the folder where the files were unzipped.

Open The Content Types Page
Navigate to the menu item RiSE > Maintenance > Content Types

Select A Folder
Browse to and select a destination folder, for example ContentTypes > Custom

Open The Content Types Window
Click on the menu item New > Content Type to open the Content Types window
Select iPart Content Type
Click on the Client-based (preferred) option

Select iPart Content Type
Click on the Client-based (preferred) option

Enter iPart Properties
Fill out the name and description fields and URL fields
URL to the html file that is used to display items of this type at runtime.
Path to the index.html file, for example ~/Areas/CSI-iPart-RadiusSearch/index.html
URL to the html file that is used to configure content items of this type.
Path to the config.html file, for example ~/Areas/CSI-iPart-RadiusSearch/config.html
This would be where the file was unzipped in section "Confirm iPart is Deployed"

Save iPart Properties
Click on the Save button to save the iPart Content Properties

Configuration of the iPart
Open The Configure iPart Window
The iPart is now ready to be dropped on to a content page. After the Radius Search iPart is on the content page, click on the Configure link to open the iPart configuration screen to setup the Radius Search Settings

Radius Search iPart Configuration
This iPart has a number of different configuration settings as described below:
IQA - This is the path of the query the iPart depends on to pull back results.
Link Url - This URL allows a link to be displayed in the results (based on iMIS ID). Usually the profile page of the member.
Distance Gen Table Name - Allows configuration for the "Distance" dropdown in Search. (5 miles, 10 miles, 50 miles). You set the increments.
Page Size - Allows configuration the number of results displayed per page when using the Radius Search iPart.
Show Distance Column - Show/Hide "Distance" column.
Add Horizontal Scrollbar for Results - Allows for horizontal scrolling if too many columns.
Add Custom Filters - Allows you to add additional filters (besides the mandatory Zipcode and Distance)
The Filter Name must be a Filter in the IQA.
The Filter Name must match the IQA Filter Name
You can make it required OR not required entry.
When adding custom filters, Optional and/or Required in the IQA does not have an effect. Only the checkbox within the iPart configuration will make the field Required or Optional.

Distance Gen Table
The screenshot below shows a sample GEN_TABLE for custom search distances. Code = the number of miles; Description = the corresponding number of miles described (i.e.: 10 Miles)

Export As CSV
The screenshot below shows the results of a Radius Search iPart query which includes the Export to Excel button.

Clicking the Export to Excel button will immediately download the ENTIRE results set table as a CSV file, NOT just the results of the page number being browsed. Example below.

Opening the CSV by double clicking the file allows Excel to use its best guess as to what the desired data type you want for each column is. This could lead to some items being displayed incorrectly in the file. If this happens, try opening a new blank Excel worksheet. Clicking the Data tab. Clicking the From Text/CSV. Browsing and loading the file from the correct file location. Clicking the Load button on the generated popup. Using this method has yielded more consistent and accurate data types for each column. It also provides a well formatted table that is filterable/sortable by default.