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iMIS License Information

iMIS Desktop

Login to iMIS Desktop > Go to File > System Setup

There is a hidden checkbox in the bottom left corner of the System Setup window. Click in the location of #1 below to initiate the license update process:

The hidden checkbox should be outlined and the Checksum box should appear (#2 in the above screenshot). Hit the 'Edit' button at the top of the System Setup window and copy/paste the values from the license file provided by ASI into the corresponding boxes. For example, Licensed To goes into the 'Licensed To' box, Users Allowed goes into the 'Users Allowed' box, and so on.

It is best practice to only update the values that have changed. For example, if you are only adding additional iMIS users, only update the 'Users Allowed' and the checksum box.

**Important: the checksum value will always change if the license has been updated in any way. Even if you are only changing one value in the System Setup window, the checksum value will still need to be updated.

It is recommended to update the iMIS license in a test environment before updating your production environment. This will ensure the license is valid and that there will not be any issues updating your production environment.

Once you have ensured all of the values are correct, hit the Save button at the bottom of the System Setup window. You will be prompted to exit iMIS desktop and re-open it. Log back into iMIS desktop to ensure the iMIS license has been updated successfully. iMIS desktop will not function correctly until the license has been validated.

Please email if you run into any issues updating your iMIS license.

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