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Credit Invoices (EMS)


The process of crediting invoices in EMS is done to refund a member/donor who is owed money by your organization. The refund happens by default to their original form of payment. Therefore, if your organization uses iMIS Pay and the Original Purchase was done with a credit card, the transaction would look like this:


However, if the original purchase was paid by check, it must be refunded with the last step being done in the accounting system. This transaction would look like this:


iMIS Documentation Here


  1. Ensure you have defined the Refund Clearing Account under Settings → Finance → Financial entities → select Entity → Click on Default Accounts

  1. Finance → Closing procedures → Credit Invoices

  2. Select the date range and/or Invoice number and/or Bill to ID

  3. Mark the records to be refunded, and press Record Refunds

  1. Confirm that you understand this can not be undone.

  1. A file of credits to be issued will be generated and can be downloaded.

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