Action: Update a person
Updates an indivudal person's record.
Name | Description | Type |
iMIS ID | Required. The iMIS ID / record to update. | string |
Billing Category | The contact's billing category name | string |
Birth Date | The contact's birth date | string(date) |
The contact's primary e-mail address | string | |
Fax | The contact's fax number | string |
First Name | The contact's first name | string |
Functional Title | The contact's functional title code value | string |
Gender | The contact's gender code (e.g. "M", "F", or any other defined codes) | string |
Home Phone | The contact's home phone number | string |
Informal Name | The contact's informal name (or nickname) | string |
Join Date | The contact's join date | string(date) |
Last Name | The contact's last name | string |
Major Key | The contact's major key field | string |
Member Type | The contact's member type code (e.g. "NM" or "WEB") | string |
Middle Name | The contact's middle name | string |
Mobile Phone | The contact's mobile phone number | string |
Name Prefix | The contact's name prefix (e.g. "Mrs.") | string |
Name Suffix | The contact's name suffix (e.g. "Jr.") | string |
Organization Name | The name of the organization that this contact belongs to (not used if Parent Organization ID is set) | string |
Parent Organization ID | Specify the iMIS ID of a parent organization to link this person to | string |
Status | The contact's status code (e.g. "A", "D", "X") | string |
Work Phone | The contact's work phone number | string |
Code | Description | Type |
| Billing Category | string |
| Birth Date | string(date) |
| Contact Key | string |
| Contact Type | string |
| string | |
| Fax | string |
| First Name | string |
| Functional Title | string |
| Gender | string |
| Home Phone | string |
| iMIS ID | string |
| Informal Name | string |
| Is Active | boolean |
| Is Member | boolean |
| Join Date | string(date) |
| Last Name | string |
| Major Key | string |
| Member Type | string |
| Middle Name | string |
| Mobile Phone | string |
| Name | string |
| Name Prefix | string |
| Name Suffix | string |
| Organization ID | string |
| Organization Name | string |
| Paid Thru | string(date) |
| Renewed Thru | string(date) |
| Status | string |
| Work Phone | string |