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Release Notes

The following release notes provide information regarding enhancements and bug fixes that were deployed to the ICE product. The format for the below sections include:

ICE Version

Patch Month and Year

  • Items included in patch

To confirm which patch your ICE system is on, log into ICE Admin and go to Help > About

All version numbers displayed should match the following nomenclature: (major) . (minor) . (year + month) . (day + hour)

  1. major version number
  2. minor version number
  3. year and month of release
  4. day and hour of release

For example: 5.2.2109.1516

  • 5 is the major version number.
  • 2 is the minor version number.
  • 2109 is the year (21, i.e. 2021) and month (09, i.e. September) of release.
  • 1516 is the day (15) and hour (16) of release (CST).

The system parameters values represent the database version. The assembly versions are related to each binary DLL library files deployed on the website.

ICE 5.2

May 2024

  • Enhancement to add new parameter of Logged In User ID for use in Roster configuration.
  • Improvements to performance of Manage Approvals page. 
  • ID added as default demographic pointer. 
  • Addressed issue with mini profiler not displaying after enabled.

April 2024

  • Address issue where HasConditionalValidation, ConditionalFromElementName, and ConditionalFormElementValue in the csi_ICE_FormItem table are blank when the form was cloned.
  • Address issue where email address was not being set when creating new member due to iMIS update. 

February 2024

  • Disable input number change on mouse wheel scrolling. 
  • Update link to user guide from Admin portal. 
  • Address issue where demographic field label not appearing correctly for group type demographic.
  • Enhancement to allow number range settings to limit what number can be entered in a workflow additional information field. 

December 2023

  • Enhancement to roster SQL statement to allow return of duplicate IDs. 
  • Enhancement to ignore trailing spaces in COMMITTEEPOS general lookup validation tables. 

November 2023

  • Address issue with profile editor rendering in Safari. 

October 2023

  • Enhancements for iFrame standard page to update configuration of iFrame declaration. 

September 2023

  • Resolved issue with ReSubmitted value in WORFLOWTRAN_APPROVAL_STATUS demographic field.   
  • Enhancement to Add New Members page to use 'Select a value' as default selection for dropdown fields. 

August 2023

  • Resolved issue with string or binary data being truncated when exceeding character limit. Updated csi_sp_ICE_GetFormTransInfo to accept only up to 60 characters.   
  • Enhancements for iFrame standard page to add configuration setting for key value. 

June 2023

  • Enhancements for iFrame standard page to allow title bar and resizing options.  

April 2023

  • Resolved issue with snapshot page causing display issues within content blocks. 
  • Resolved issue with workflow transaction pending approval that did not have approval requirement. 
  • Added support for older year values within additional information fields in a workflow action. 
  • Resolved issue with embedded web page option not allowing configuration options within admin portal and display rendering issues. 

March 2023

  • Added new sitemap option to allow embedding of external web page. 

February 2023

  • Added new settings for eCheck to allow batch definition by payment type and batch separation options.

January 2023

  • Resolved issue within claim account for required checkbox fields
  • Resolved issue with conditional validation fields within forms
  • Added ability to add custom header logo

December 2022

  • Added ability to add custom script tags within content blocks
  • Telerik UI version update

November 2022

  • Resolved issue where HTML was being stripped out from content blocks
  • Resolved issue involving timeout expiration causing page reload
  • Added new source fields within Member Forms
  • Updated design within Member Forms specific to dropdown lists and read only fields
  • Updated Manage Approvals page to decrease load time when lookup configurations involved

October 2022

  • Added ability to pass "@contactid" parameter within a sitemap node
  • Added ability to specify number of steps within Forms
  • Added ability to define multi-line text fields within Workflow - Additional Information step. 
  • Resolved issue with missing button image within sitemap editor for Manage Committee page
  • Update for ICE eCheck to add iMIS ID and Full Name to the description field within Trans and Activity

September 2022

  • Resolved issue with Null exception within MemberSignup
  • Resolved issue with date validation with Add New Member
  • Resolved issue with summary discrepancy on conditional fields within Forms
  • Resolved issue with file upload field type when used in conditional field within Forms
  • Resolved issue with display of conditional fields on validation step within Forms
  • Resolved issue with csi_sp_ICE_GetBatchNumber resulting in endless loop when missing index
  • Resolved issue with custom stylesheet overriding default behavior within Forms 
  • Update for EditProfiles page to allow for definition of Member Form key (CW ticket 121767)

August 2022

  • Resolved issue with required fields within MemberSignup
  • Resolved issue with validation failures within New Member Import

July 2022

  • Add feature on parameters tab within sitemap to allow specification of workflow actions to appear on manage approvals page. (CW ticket 116010)
  • Resolved data validation issue within new member import. (CW ticket 119481)
  • Resolved issue where credit card payment option would continue to appear even though no credit card payment gateway was specified within eCheck settings. (CW ticket 119317)
  • Resolved issue where key field default value appeared on manage approval page along with selected value on form. (CW ticket 119287)
  • Performance improvements for runtime of csi_sp_ICE_UpdateICETranActivity, csi_sp_ICE_iBOFix_ExpireDates, csi_sp_ICE_GetBatchNumber, and csi_sp_ICE_GetIdFromUserName. 
  • Updates to validation control that could affect names with special characters.

June 2022

  • Upgrade Telerik library to version 2022.2.511. 
  • Resolve issue with changes not saving when editing Additional Information questions from the Workflow > Review > Manage Additional Information page. (CW ticket 118763)
  • Resolve issue with incorrect FISCAL_PERIOD being set when payment posted by eCheck. (CW ticket 118325)
  • Add feature to allow administrators to add Google Analytics information within ICE admin site. 

May 2022

  • Update CSI logo within Admin site. 
  • Restore functionality of forgot password that was previously deprecated. (CW ticket 117067)
  • Enhance new member import functionality to include duplicate record validation. (CW ticket 116535)
  • Enhance member form functionality to allow use of roster query parameter and form key parameter in sitemap control. (CW ticket 118118)

April 2022

  • No changes

March 2022

  • Resolve issue on validation step for users with apostrophe in name and allow smart apostrophe when validating name submission. (CW ticket 115452)
  • Resolve issue with manageprofiles.aspx page where exception error caused data to not be saved upon update. (CW ticket 113814)
  • Resolve issue with checkbox field type not appearing on additional information step within manage committee workflow. (CW ticket 101816)
  • Resolve issue with Member Forms that caused duplication of workflow activities and missing ICEFILE activities when a file attachment was involved. (CW ticket 112771)
  • Resolve issue with eCheck credit card processing fee not be rounded correctly. (CW ticket 115775)
  • Add feature to Sitemap Parameters tab to allow ICE admin to customize complete (aka Go To Task Center) button and URL destination for the ManageMembersRadio and Submit Form controls. (CW 106321)
  • Add feature to Sitemap Parameters tab to allow ICE admin to specify workflow actions to appear on Manage Approvals page. (CW 114840)

February 2022

  • Updates to the "ManageMembersRadio.aspx" parameters for Workflow Options field to remove carriage returns if found. (CW ticket 114906)
  • Enhancement to comparison operator when retrieving a sales product from a General Validation table to ignore suffixing space on product code if found. (CW ticket 112603)
  • Updates to NewMemberSignup.aspx standard control to allow blank in State field if Country not set to U.S. or Canada. (CW ticket 111628)
  • Updates to Task.DefaultCultureInfo to utilize user's culture rather than en-US default (related to date format issue when user not using U.S. browser) (CW ticket 110201)
  • Updates to AddMembers.aspx to resolve issue identified when attachments are included in workflow. (CW ticket 112771)

December 2021

  • Updates to csi_sp_ICE_UpdateSecurity to address issue with incorrect role assignment when a security group and security role are defined with the same name. (CW ticket 113624)

October 2021

  • Change filtering operation on Jump To chapter select control to be "contains" rather than "starts with."
  • Added SQL stored procedure option to Submit Payment Page to allow customization of display items. 
  • Update to Conditional Form Fields to abide by requirement settings for field within Form Design.

September 2021

  • Added ability for description field with lookup configuration to exceed character limit of 255. 
  • Update version reference to include major and minor version information. 
  • Fix issues with validation errors appearing in add new member member forms control. (CW ticket 110037)

August 2021

  • Fix issue with chapter order supply control that causes batch to be out of balance. (CW ticket 109323)
  • Fix issue with processing fee going to incorrect GL account number (script = csi_sp_ICE_Payment_CreateProcessingFee). (CW ticket 110000)

July 2021

  • Fix issue with add new member import using new member forms that was clearing fields when editing from validation step. 
  • Fix issue with performance of csi_sp_ICE_GetFormTransInfo stored procedure runtime. (CW ticket 108309)

June 2021

  • Fix issue with processing fees cause out of balance batches due to batch totals not being updated. (CW ticket 106111)
  • Fix issue with manage profile page control not accepting roster query parameter. (CW ticket 107259)
  • Fix issue with foreign language browser on manage dues page.

May 2021

  • Fix checkbox rendering within forms. (CW ticket 101816)
  • Fix object reference error within manage member pages to resolve server error message when navigating to manage approvals or design tab of forms. (CW ticket 101816)
  • Fix support for credits in manage dues payment. Script csi_sp_ICE_MemberDues_ProcessCartOrder was clearing out Subscriptions.PAYMENT_AMOUNT with payment amount coming from the ICE manage dues and could ignore exiting amount. (CW ticket 106203)
  • Fix issue with amount still showing on receipt for manage members pages even when hide amount option was selected. 

April 2021

  • Updates to csi_sp_ICE_MemberDues_ProcessCartOrder and csi_sp_ICE_MemberDues_UpdateCartInfoTransactionNumber to add more validation to confirm accurate updates to STATUS of transaction.  (CW Ticket 104325)

March 2021

  • Added release back to edit option in manage approvals for forms   (CW Ticket 92345) - Testing Plan
  • Added attachment option within Add New Member workflow   (CW Ticket 93123) - Testing Plan
  • Added ability to Disable Amount column in Manage Members   (CW Ticket 92160) - Testing Plan
  • Added new notification demographics   (CW Ticket 93270) - Testing Plan
  • Added form Key Fields now visible in Manage Approvals   (CW Ticket 94203) - Testing Plan
  • Added conditional Fields within Forms  (CW Ticket 94204) - Testing Plan
  • Added email failures now showing in Notification Logs   (CW Ticket 93235) - Testing Plan
  • Added financial Statement column headers now align with data    (CW Ticket 94206) - Testing Plan
  • Added profile feature within new Member Forms  (CW Ticket 88828) - Testing Plan

ICE 5.1

January 2021

  • Added Cash Account Code in Check Number field for ICE eCheck ACH payments  (CW Ticket 101611)
  • ICE eCheck - Fix transaction mismatch in script csi_sp_ICE_MemberDues_ProcessCartOrder  (CW Ticket 101902 ) 
  • ICE eCheck - Fix "Method not found" error when calling createOrder in manage dues client side code  (CW Ticket 101902)

October 2020

  • Added Ability to add processing fee for credit card or ACH transactions using ICE eCheck  (CW Ticket 97481) 

September 2020

  • Update Member Forms to allow State/Country dropdowns (CW Ticket 98743) 

August 2020

  • Add "select/deselect all" feature on ICE eCheck Manage Dues   (CW Ticket 96842)

May 2020

  • Fix missing display "Add member to list" option in sitemap editor. (CW Ticket 94631)

April 2020

  • Fix additional information data display issues after cloning a workflow product. Fix missing cloning of workflow attachment configuration. (CW Ticket 94270)

February 2020

  • Fix date limit options display in edit properties page. (CW Ticket 89116)

January 2020

  • New configurable web page feature: claim account. (CW Ticket 88827) - Testing Plan
  • New configurable web page feature: add new member.  (CW Ticket 88826) - Testing Plan
  • New global settings for complete button text and URL in five steps process. (CW Ticket 91365) - Testing Plan
  • Fix forms pending status message when not requiring approval. (CW Ticket 91362) - Testing Plan
  • Add date range validation option in form date fields. (CW Ticket 91361) - Testing Plan
  • Add message rate limits per minute in notifications emailing. (CW Ticket 91359) - Testing Plan
  • New setting: Ice.System.SiteMapNavigation.OnMouseHover, disable/enable global menu navigation auto expand/collapse behavior on mouse hovering. (CW Ticket 888299) - Testing Plan
  • Add release notes menu link item in administrative portal. (CW Ticket 91240) 

December 2019

  • Enhance SQL scripts deployment for Azure database compatibility. (CW Ticket 91279)
  • Enhance sitemap editor with auto scaling panel sizes. (CW Ticket 90688)
  • Consolidate user interface display in sitemap editor and member profiles management pages. (CW Ticket 90688)
  • Add pagination option for members listing in sitemap editor on manage member (radio version) web page. (CW Ticket 89118) - Testing Plan
  • Add date limit option to editing perpetual forms in forms administrative pages. (CW Ticket 89116) - Testing Plan
  • Remove display of week numbers column in date picker web control. (CW Ticket 89115) - Testing Plan
  • Move validation messages display on top of page in submit form web page. (CW Ticket 89114) - Testing Plan
  • Add new option to republish all forms instances in manage forms web page. (CW Ticket 18374) - Testing Plan

November 2019

  • Upgrade third-party libraries version: Json.NET, Glimpse, and CSI Core. 
  • Consolidate user interface display in job settings and pending transactions management pages. 
  • Fix contact id filtering on manage task queue web page. 
  • Clear out title bar label and icon in pop-up windows frame. 

October 2019

ICE 5.0

April 2020

  • Update Telerik controls to version 2020.1.219.45. 

March 2020

  • Fix supply order creation issue having 0 quantity item line.(CW Ticket 92675)

January 2020

  • Add running balance validation and conflict detection to avoid potential duplicated submissions on open invoices payment page. (CW Ticket 91811)
  • Fix batch updates not rolling back on payment failure from open invoices payment page. (CW Ticket 91714)

November 2019

  • Fix multiple payments processing via eCheck web page after failure to void previous transaction submissions. (CW Ticket 90168)

October 2019

  • Fix display issues in manage approvals web page after chapter names containing singe quotes. (CW Ticket 89856)

September 2019

  • Enhance dashboard operations web page to support customer's SQL stored procedure: csi_sp_ICE_getFinancialStatement_Custom (if available)(CW Ticket 88161)
  • Additional preventive fixes in new members creation after detecting missing or invalid effective date values. (CW Ticket 88164)

August 2019

  • Improve regular expression pattern in validating email address after notification copy recipients.
  • Update user guide's hyperlink in administrative portal page. 
  • Enhance eCheck applying payments support after partially paid invoices. (CW Ticket 86931)

July 2019

  • Add new input comments field in order supply web page after shipping address and validation steps. (CW Ticket 86750)
  • Fix display issues in jump to chapter widget after incorrect grouping reset. (CW Ticket 75735)
  • Fix issues in workflow addition information edit web page after null reference error. (CW Ticket 86804)
  • Fix page redirection from "jump to chapter" with iMIS ID too short of a value. 

April 2019

  • Minor label correction in edit form properties web page after form code field.  

March 2019

  • Enhance input fields validation in ACH payment after submit payment web page. (CW Ticket 83496)
  • Merge BluePay payment processing support in eCheck after previous version 4.9. (CW Ticket 84205)
  • Update user interface on new member import from file dialog window. (CW Ticket 80252)
  • Fix action filtering issues in manage approval web page. (CW Ticket 83521)
  • Fix JavaScript code support in content editors after dynamic content block code. (CW Ticket 83344)
  • Add default content block code: EventCalendarContent after new calendar event web page(CW Ticket 82644)
  • Add new event calendar web page module. (CW Ticket 82644)

February 2019

  • Add BluePay payment processing initial support in eCheck after submit payment web page. (CW Ticket 74723)
  • Preventive fixes in new members intake after detecting missing or invalid effective date values. (CW Ticket 83591)
  • Fix issues in managing local report files after argument exception being thrown. (CW Ticket 83279)

January 2019

  • Fix issues with sorting display of the additional information fields(CW Ticket 80357)
  • Fix submitted forms display after corrections to standard SQL stored procedure: csi_sp_ICE_InsertFormTrans. (CW Ticket 80913)
  • Fix steps progression issues in new member import from file. (CW Ticket 80252)

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