A page for Chapter Officers to submit payment via ACH or Credit Card for items that are outstanding on their iMIS record.
ACH Requirement
ACH transactions require a Telecheck account if using PayFlowPro as your iMIS payment processor. Make sure PayPal enables Telecheck on your account after account creation. If your iMIS payment processor is BluePay, a Telecheck is not required as BluePay can process both credit card and ACH transactions. ACH does have to be enabled on your BluePay account.
Settings » Payment Configuration
The following settings should be updated when using ICE eCheck:
ACH Cash Account Code - A cash account for ACH should be set up in iMIS and set to use the credit card gateway.
ACH Payment Gateway - This should reflect your current iMIS payment processor
Enter Telecheck if using PayFlowPro
Enter BluePay if using BluePay
Batch Pattern - (for fee payments only) Update the batch pattern code to your preferred batch pattern used in IMIS. It is recommended to have "ICE" in the batch pattern so you can easily see the batch was created by ICE. *NOTE: A batch number should not be longer than 15 characters.
Batch Pattern ACH - (for fee payments only) If you would like ACH transactions to be in a separate batch, specify the batch pattern for ACH here.
Cash Account Codes - Add the credit card payment options that you would like to be available in ICE. The format is the cash account code in iMIS with " | " and the credit card description that will be visible to the user.
If you do not want to allow credit card payments, leave this value blank.
CC Payment Gateway - This should reflect your current iMIS payment processor. If you do NOT want to allow credit card payments via ICE eCheck, you can delete the CC Payment Gateway value and the option for credit card payment will not appear.
Enter PayFlowPro if using PayFlowPro
Enter BluePay if using BluePay
Dues Batch Pattern - (for member dues payments only) If you would like to separate credit card and ACH transactions into separate batches, specify the batch pattern for Credit Card (CC) here. If you do not want dues transactions in separate batches, set the value to match Batch Pattern above.
Dues Batch Pattern ACH (for member dues payments only) - If you would like to separate credit card and ACH transactions into separate batches, specify the batch pattern for ACH here. If you do not want dues transactions in separate batches, set the value to match Batch Pattern ACH above.
Dues Batch Per Bill to ID (for member dues payments only)
Set value to TRUE if you would like a separate batch created for each BT ID
Dues Batch Per Day (for member dues payments only)
Set value to TRUE if you would like a separate batch created per day
Batch pattern keywords supported:
[YYYY] or [YY] is replaced with current year as 4 or 2 digits.
[MM] or [M] is replaced with current month as 2 or 1 digit(s) when applicable
[DD] or [D] is replaced with current day as 2 or 1 digit(s) when applicable
[I] is an incremental index starting at 1

If using BluePay, enter your account information below that can be retrieved from your BluePay account. Use the Test BluePay link to confirm connection.

Authorization Process
The level of authorization and required fields may vary per payment processor. ICE uses the payment processor API to make a call to first request authorization and then perform a delayed capture for payment.
What are the Payflow Pro transaction types? (
RESULT Values for Transaction Declines or Errors (
Data is retained in iMIS in regards to the status of the transaction and response code received from the payment processor.
csi_ice_payments_log retains the transactions used on the SubmitPayment.aspx page that would include open invoice payments.
csi_ice_memberdues_cart_paymentlog retains the transactions used on the ManageDues.aspx page that would include member dues payments.
Each of the above tables has a PNREF field that would be the reference code from the payment processor. To find more detail for the transaction, search by this PNREF number in your payment processor management site.
Add to sitemap
Within ICE admin, go to edit the sitemap
Add a new menu item in the location you prefer
In the URL area, you will select one of the following URLs:
For submitting payments on charges that appear on the chapter/company record - ~/ICE/Actions/SubmitPayment.aspx
For submitting payments on dues subscriptions on member records - ~/ICE/Actions/ManageDues.aspx
Set the appropriate security roles
Save Properties
Configuration Options
5 Step Process (when using the Manage Dues control) - the headings for each step can be modified below.
Processing Fee - This option is available for the Submit Payment page and Manage Dues page. On the Parameters tab within the Sitemap, a processing fee can be enabled to be added to payments. The configuration options are:
Prompt - Add text to identify the text you want the user to see representing a processing fee addition.
Sales Product - a SALES product in iMIS will be used for the fee. The product should exist in iMIS with a defined GL account code.
Unit - You can specify a set dollar amount for the fee or a percentage of the total amount that the user has selected to pay.
Unit Type - select Amount in dollar if using set dollar amount or Percentage of total amount if using percentage.
If you want to only apply the processing fee to specific transaction types, select the applicable checkboxes.
Customizable Step Labels - This option is only available on the Manage Dues page. On the Parameters tab within the Sitemap, you can update the step labels as desired.
Submit Payments Selection SQL Query (when using Submit Payments control) - this option allows you to specify a SQL query to identify the items you want to appear for payment. y default, the query used is within the following stored procedure: csi_sp_ICE_SubmitPayments_GetInvoices. Normally the criteria is established at time of implementation but could be modified at any time. A SQL query can be inserted or a stored procedure (do not modify the original CSI stored procedure).
Manage Dues Selection SQL Query (when using the Manage Dues control) - this option allows you to specify a different query to manage the members and products that you would like to appear on your manage dues page. By default, the query used is within the following stored procedure: csi_sp_ICE_MemberDues_GetDuesItems. Normally the criteria is established at time of implementation but could be modified at any time.
You can insert a new SQL Query here
Or you can create a new stored procedure (do not modify the original CSI stored procedure) with new criteria and insert an Execute statement here:
Dues Items selection control (when using the Manage Dues control) - This option is only available on the Manage Dues page. On the Parameters tab within the Sitemap, you can specify if all dues items for a member should be selected and deselected together. This is helpful if you have multiple subscriptions for each member to pay and you want all items due to be paid.
Content blocks for instructional text
The following content blocks will appear on the Submit Payment page and can be updated under the Content Blocks menu in ICE Admin:
SubmitPaymentsTitle – header for page
SubmitPaymentsOptions – instructions area above Checking and Credit Card fields
SubmitPaymentsReceipt – text on receipt page after submitting payment
The following content blocks will appear on the Manage Dues page and can be updated under the Content Blocks tab from the sitemap:
How users will submit payment in ICE
After selecting the menu option, they will select the outstanding items they would like to submit payment for.
Enter Checking or Credit Card information.

After hitting submit, they are directed to the receipt page.
What you will see in iMIS
Payments will display in iMIS on the chapter's record as normal. Normal batch processing and reconciliation should occur.