Chapter Order Supply
iMIS Setup
Add available products to General lookup/validation table(s)
All the products you want to be available for order in ICE should be in a General Lookup Validation table. Make sure the code in the table matches exactly to the product code in the AR/Cash product table.
Make sure the title and price in the product table is correct.
ICE Setup
Add to sitemap in ICE Admin
Within ICE admin, go to edit the sitemap
Add a new menu item in the location you prefer
In the URL area, you will select the following URL: ~/ICE/Actions/SupplyOrder.aspx
Set the appropriate security roles
Save Properties

Edit content blocks
Select the Content Blocks tab from the sitemap node to see the available content blocks
Update the content blocks for each step:
Step 1: Basic instructions and option to select previously saved order.
Step 2: Confirm shipping address.
Step 3: Select products and quantity
Step 4: Submit or Save
Step 5: Receipt
The OrderSupplyVerification content block will appear right above where the user will enter their name and today's date to complete the order on step 4.
The OrderSupplyWhySave content block will appear in the option to save the order area on step 4.

Set Parameters
Select the Parameters tab from the sitemap node to update the following:
You can give new titles to each step in the process. Note the titles that appear are the defaults.
Select the Gen Lookup Validation table that contains the product list for this sitemap node. This gives you the ability to have multiple order supply pages that have different product lists.
Identify cash account. Defaults will be used if not selected.
You can also use a Gen Lookup Validation table to specify the shipping methods you would like displayed. You can also specify if the user is required to select a shipping method.
How users will order products in ICE
After selecting the menu option, step 1 will allow them to select previously saved orders.
2. A shipping address from the chapter record can be selected or a previously entered shipping address can be selected. OR a new address can be entered. They can also insert any comments for special shipping instructions.

3. The user can search for an item and specify the quantity to order. The Sub Total column will show the price according to quantity entered.
4. The user will then review the order information and has the option to save the order to make changes later or submit the order.

5. Last step provides a receipt for review and printing.
What you will see in iMIS
Orders from ICE will appear in iMIS as SALES transactions.

Information for Reporting
Table: csi_ICE_OrderSupply_Orders
Contains the shipping address information, cash account code, invoice number and transaction number
ContactID = Chapter ID
CreatedOn = Submitted date
CreatedBy = who placed the order
Link with the below table by Order ID
Table: csi_ICE_OrderSupply_OrderLines
Contains the details of each order – Product code, title, amount, quantity and activity sequence number
Table: csi_ICE_OrderSupply_OrderInProgress
Contains information on saved orders
Table: csi_ICE_OrderSupply_ShippingAddress
Contains saved shipping addresses
You can also use the information in Activity table:
Activity.Activity_Type = SALES
Activity.Product_Code – will be the item code, i.e. CH_PENLIGHT
Activity.Description – will be the description of the item, i.e. Pen Light
Activity.Amount – will be the amount according to the number of items ordered, i.e. $30 =10 pen lights at $3 each.
Connect to Name table to get chapter name and shipping address information.