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  1. 501(c)(3) – A tax-exempt charitable organization classification.

  2. 501(c)(6) – A tax-exempt classification for business leagues, associations, and chambers of commerce.

  3. Financial Entity – A business unit in iMIS that maintains separate financial books, such as an organization or fund.

  4. Fund – A specific type of entity designed to solicit donations.

  5. GL Export – A process in the GL Processor that exports financial data for an organization.

  6. GL Processor Cloud – A tool that allows defining organizations requiring a GL Export.

  7. iMIS – A financial and membership management system.

  8. Organization – Defined in iMIS as either a 501(c)(6) association or a 501(c)(3) charity, requiring financial entity setup.

  9. Primary Financial Entity – The main financial entity associated with an organization in iMIS.

  10. Default Entity – The entity set as the default financial entity in iMIS.

  11. GL Export Template – The GL Export Template defines the format and structure of financial data exports in iMIS.  It specifies:

    1. File Export Type - Determines the output format, such as IIF (Intuit Interchange Format) or Delimited (CSV, TXT, etc.).

    2. Field Schema - Defines the data fields included in the export file, ensuring compatibility with the organization’s accounting system.

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