An organization is defined as either the 501(c)(6) and a charity organization is classified as 501(c)(3). GL Processor Cloud allows you to define each organization requiring a GL Export.
For example, you may set up an organization for the fraternity and foundation. Within the foundation export it can include other entities (funds) in the export.
Create a new organization
To create an organization, select the Organizations → + New… menu option from the top navigation bar.
Enter an organization name and description. This should be a friendly name.
Click the Select Primary Financial Entity button to display a list of entities available to be selected as the primary financial entity. This is a list of iMIS Org Codes.
Select a template from the template dropdown.
Click Save

Add Organization
The organization needs to be saved before additional entities can be added.
Organizations require at least one org code. The initial org code will be the primary entity.
Add Financial Entities
To add entities to an organization:
Click the Financial Entities tab.
Click the Edit button.
Select all applicable entities using the checkboxes.

Financial Entities