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GL Processor Cloud enables users to easily transfer financial transactions from iMIS into a separate accounting system. With the help of templates, you can export in different file formats, file summarization levels, hide Due To/Due From transactions, and much more.

GL Processor Cloud tracks its own exports, allowing a disconnect between what iMIS does and what the customer wants.

By specifying a date range and organization, the GL Processor Cloud will confirm that all runs for that date range have been completed in iMIS, then look to its own data to determine what runs need to be included in the export.

Create an Export

To create an export, select the Exports → + New… menu option from the top navigation bar.


General Ledger Export

  1. Choose the intended organization from the dropdown list.

  2. Enter date range - begin date.

  3. Enter date range - end date.

  4. Click the Create Export File.

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