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View: vcsi_iDonate_Tribute_Data

Introduced in CSiDonate 2.10.2.


The vcsi_iDonate_Tribute_Data view is a combined view of CSiDonate and iMIS tribute data.

Reporting Tip

This view makes a great base for CSiDonate reporting! Import this view as a RiSE business object and you can create CSiDonate gift reports from the data available in this view.

Referenced Tables

The following tables are referenced by this view:

  • csi_iDonate_Tribute_Notification
  • Name
  • Activity
  • Trans
  • Trans_Notify

Tributes versus Notifications

For CSiDonate multiple tributes, only the Tribute fields will be populated. (However, for consistency with iMIS, since we are notifying these tributes via email, we write to Trans_Notify for these gifts if there are matching contacts in iMIS.)

For CSiDonate single tributes, only the Notify fields will be populated. (CSiDonate does not support linking to a Tribute ID, only the freeform honoree name/text. CSiDonate will create and/or link to a Notification ID if a notification contact was entered, however.)

For standard iMIS tributes, the Tribute and/or Notify fields will be populated, depending on the type of tribute entered into iMIS and whether or not there is a Trans_Notify record for that gift.


In keeping with iMIS best practice, all values that would otherwise be NULL are replaced with empty string ('').

Column Name Column TypeCan Be Empty?Originating Tables/ColumnsNotes
IDVARCHAR(10)(tick) Nocsi_iDonate_Tribute_Notification.DonorID
Donor's iMIS ID.
TributeIDVARCHAR(10)(warning) Yes


Tribute record's iMIS ID.
NotifyIDVARCHAR(10)(warning) YesTrans_Notify.NOTIFY_IDFor standard iMIS tributes only, the Notify record's iMIS ID.
Blank for CSiDonate multiple tributes.
TransNumberINT(tick) NoTrans.TRANS_NUMBERTransaction number of the gift.
ActivitySeqnINT(tick) NoTrans.ACTIVITY_SEQN
Activity SEQN number of the gift.
InvoiceRefINT(tick) NoTrans.INVOICE_REFERENCE_NUMInvoice Reference # of the gift.
TransactionDateDATETIME(tick) NoTrans.TRANSACTION_DATEDate of the transaction.
EnteredDateDATETIME(tick) NoTrans.DATE_ENTEREDDate the gift was created / entered into the system.


NVARCHAR(100)(warning) Yescsi_iDonate_Tribute_Notification.TributeName
Tribute's full name. Either the iMIS full name, or the name the donor entered onto the donation form.
TributeEmailNVARCHAR(255)(warning) Yescsi_iDonate_Tribute_Notification.TributeEmail
Tribute's email address. Either the iMIS email address, or the e-mail address the donor entered onto the donation form.


NVARCHAR(100)(warning) YesName.FULL_NAME
For standard iMIS tributes only, the Notify record's full name.
Blank for CSiDonate multiple tributes.
NotifyEmailNVARCHAR(255)(warning) YesName.EMAILFor standard iMIS tributes only, the Notify record's email address.
Blank for CSiDonate multiple tributes.
TributeOriginalEmailVARCHAR(100)(warning) YesName.EMAILIn the case where a tribute is matched or selected from the search and has a known iMIS ID, but the donor overrides/changes the e-mail address of the tribute, this field will contain the tribute contact's original e-mail address from iMIS.
TributeMessageNVARCHAR(250)(warning) Yescsi_iDonate_Tribute_Notification.TributeMessage
For CSiDonate multiple tributes, contains the donor's message to this tribute.
For standard iMIS tributes, contains the Memorial/Tribute honoree text.
TributeMergeCodeVARCHAR(40)(warning) YesTrans.MERGE_CODEFor multiple tributes, contains the donor's selected merge code, only if user-selectable merge codes are enabled.
For standard iMIS tributes, contains the merge code.
TributeTypeVARCHAR(1)(tick) NoN/AFor multiple tributes, this field will be "M".
For standard iMIS tributes, this field will be "S".
IsDatabaseMatchBIT(tick) Nocsi_iDonate_Tribute_Notification.IsMatchResult
For multiple tributes only. True/1 if this tribute was successfully matched to a contact in iMIS using a last name and e-mail search.
IsMemberSearchResultBIT(tick) Nocsi_iDonate_Tribute_Notification.IsSearchResult
For multiple tributes only. True/1 if this tribute was explicitly selected via the Tribute Member Search feature.
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