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Table: Demo_Ambassador_Content


The Demo_Ambassador_Content table is an iMIS single-instance demo table that stores custom ambassador messages for use with the Ambassador template mode.

Setup and Use

Please contact CSI for assistance with using this table. While the table is created automatically, it is NOT added anywhere that it can be used.

CSI can assist with getting this table imported into RiSE as a Business Object, and added to a profile page where each ambassador is allowed to view their own profile and update their messages.


Column Name Column Type (SQL)Notes
IDVARCHAR(10)The iMIS ID of the ambassador.
AC_Donation_Form_MessageVARCHAR(2048)A custom message to display on the donation form, or wherever the "Donation Message" replacement token is used.
AC_Receipt_MessageVARCHAR(2048)A custom message to display on the receipt(s), or wherever the "Receipt Message" replacement token is used.

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